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Jefferson Duong
Jefferson Duong

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Embrace the MVC!

Do you mean Marvel vs Capcom?!

No! I'm talking about MODEL, VIEW, CONTROLLER! MVC is an important architectural pattern, or just a methodology/guidelines to follow, in order to build an effective full stack application. The key reason for this methodology is to map out all of the entities and how they will interact with each other.

What is Model, View, Controller?

Creating separate sections of code that handle specific goals for the program is important and is called the separation of concerns. A perfect example for an understanding of MVC and our separation of concerns is HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. HTML will handle the content, which is the model, CSS handles the styling, which is the view and JavaScript handles the logic, which is the control. They all handle specific parts of the program, which is a proper separation of concerns.

To further expand on the web development functions of each of the aspects of MVC, the model pertains to the entities of our application. The best way for me to explain what an entity is to give an example. An individual person can be imagined as a model, USUALLY a person will always have a first name, a last name, and a favorite color. We can add all of these together to create a model that would look like this:

firstName: 'Peter',
lastName: 'Parker',
favoriteColor: 'red'

The model contains one of the most important bits of information pertaining to an application: the information to be handled. The counterpart to this important is the controller, which handles how the information is handled. The view is simply the different way that we may present the data from our models. In the example of a website, our controller handles user requests and calls the appropriate routes and models and sets the proper view. An example of this would be in Express, when a user clicks a form submission button, controller will be called to render the new page.


Some of the advantages of employing the MVC architecture are code reusability, simultaneous development, and ease of modification. Code reusability is a highly desired feature of any program or application, there's even an acronym for it! DRY, Don't Repeat Yourself, is a key principle in programming, if a programmer thinks that they might repeat themselves even twice, it is highly recommended that they restructure that block of code so that it may be used repeatedly, as it likely will if the application scales larger. Simultaneous development allows for multiple developers to work on the same project, but different aspects of it to allow for much more expedient results. An example of this would be for a developer to handle the JavaScript of a website while another works on the HTML and CSS, while obviously maintaining communication to prevent syntax and parameter errors.

Adopting the MVC architecture will undoubtedly increase efficiency within any program. It allows for code reusability, scaling, and separation of concerns. Though, no matter how hard the code is, it'll always be an EASY DAY!

Top comments (1)

zfleischmann profile image

This is a great article!