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Putting the M in MVP

That's Minimum Viable Product, not this guy: ('jordan.png').

But I could also call it Most Valuable Priorities, as that's really what I'm thinking about: what should I prioritize?

So much to do, so little time

Here are some goals for the FEC, and for nearly every coding project:

  • cleanly-written code
  • well-structured/reusable code
  • implementing numerous features
  • implementing complete features
  • fast delivery

This is obvious stuff, but it's not obvious what comes first. I mean writing clean code is obvious, but I'm not a veteran coder. Sometimes things look a bit sloppy as they come together. And with the momentum that comes from getting things to work, it can be hard to choose refactoring a few lines vs. going on to whatever next step is right in front of you.

Scale that decision up and now we're talking full components that need to be re-factored, or worse.

Fewer Complete Features vs More Incomplete Features

When I say incomplete, I don't mean buggy vs working.
I mean would you rather have five widgets with fewer bells and whistles or three widgets that are fully decked-out. It depends, right?

This isn't the real world

And that's good and bad. Good in that we get to make choices that fit our growth and what we need or want to learn. Bad in that we're not getting the guidance from a project manager or senior engineer who can help us understand the trade-offs that come with these decisions.

The FEC is going well, and I'm hoping that these questions will resolve themselves as we continue to make good progress through our checklists.

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