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Reasons Why You Should Outsource Your Mobile App Development

In the current consumer-driven market, having a mobile app has become indispensable to any business digital transformation strategy. A mobile app helps your business to expand to a new customer base, understand their needs better, and retain existing customers.

And with plenty of choices to make, businesses must make a decision now: Whether to build an app in-house or outsource mobile app development.

Hiring an in-house team is about finding the right resource and making them work for your company long-term. However, companies need help finding the right talent at the right time, which hurts business and growth opportunities. This is where outsourcing comes into the picture.

Do you know the initial phase of WhatsApp development was outsourced to a Russian Developer. And the rest is history, in its decade-long journey filled with highs and lows - until its acquisition by Facebook in 2014. Development was then outsourced to teams in Eastern Europe, breaking the list of top-ranking messaging apps on all app stores.

As per Statista, app outsourcing is projected to reach US$116bn in 2022 with a CAGR of 4.66%, resulting in a market volume of $145bn by 2027.

Developing a mobile app requires significant time, energy, and money; therefore, choosing a suitable outsourcing model is imperative. Local and offshore outsourcing is the most common outsourcing models that businesses can opt for.

  • Local outsourcing refers to choosing an app development company locally
  • Offshore refers to selecting a development partner in another country where rates are relatively low such as India, Mexico, etc.

Now that you understand the importance of mobile app development let's see why to outsource mobile app development.

Reasons why you should outsource your mobile app development

To gain a competitive advantage, businesses need an experienced team to implement their ideas correctly. The following are some reasons why you should consider outsourcing mobile app development.

Why you should outsource app development

Dedicated experts

You can work with experts in their field when you outsource app development. They hold years of experience in their domain, are aware of the latest app development trends, upgrade their skills, have hands-on expertise in using the latest technology, and can identify when and where to build custom features when developing high-quality apps. In short, outsourcing can be a great alternative instead of creating a new team with the required skills, which can take more time and resources.


In the case of in-house development, you will have to hire experts, avail resources, pay for infrastructure, get office supplies, pay salaries, and run the business parallelly, which can be taxing. When you outsource, you pay for offshore app development and wait for the delivery of the project.

According to Find Stack, about 48% of companies worldwide outsource their needs offshore to a handful of countries. Due to high-cost savings and talent, India is the No.1 outsourcing destination for companies worldwide. Following closely with India are the Philippines and the rest, such as Ukraine, Poland, Brazil, and Mexico, as per the same report.


A professional company has the environment and a team for app development. When you outsource app development, you save valuable money and time as developers at the outsourced company handle all the development-related tasks. In addition, the app gets delivered to you at the stipulated time so you can focus on your business.

However, when you recruit an in-house team, you may have to set up an environment and give training and technical resources, costing you valuable time and money.

Access to the best technology

A significant chunk of app development costs is related to the technology used. This may incur an extra fee when considering in-house app development. You can get rid of responsibilities that come with licenses and tools used in the app and watch out for their expiry date and the ways to fulfill them.

Outsourcing helps eliminate these costs from the company’s end, as outsourced app development companies have knowledge of the latest technologies/tech stacks.

Better team management

Offshore development companies have the latest tools and technologies to facilitate the timely delivery of work. With team members working for a common goal, it becomes easy as the entire team works effortlessly, giving you a great experience. The team is available 24*7 even when residing in different time zones.

Round-the-clock support

Developing an app continues even after the product is launched. The real challenge comes after you launch your app if the app faces any issues or needs tech maintenance and support. The app development company can back you up and provide round-the-clock maintenance for your app even after the launch of your app, thus ensuring faster delivery of your project. This is why outsourcing is the best option. At the same time, your in-house team might not be available beyond a stipulated amount of time as they will get involved in other projects.

Summing up

Any business needs a long-term plan when it comes to mobile app development. A good app can increase customer engagement, reduce costs, simplify operations and optimize marketing and sales efforts.

Outsourcing is an excellent option to start with in terms of the growth of the business. Choosing an experienced mobile app development company can make a difference as they have a team of professionals with plenty of years of experience in custom app development catering to client's specific needs across various industries. We hope that the information we shared will help you take the right decision to initiate your project.

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