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How technology is helping Healthcare Startups

The healthcare sector benefits a lot from the latest technology advancements. Technology aids in better diagnosis and treatment of patients.

It contributes to remote patient care, hospital management, identification of new pharmaceuticals, and forecasting treatment outcomes.

Technologies such as the Internet of Medical Technology (IoMT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and deep learning are paving the way for rapid care management of patient health.

The rise of diverse software and mobile app development services has also increased opportunities for technological growth in the healthcare sector.

Tools like telemedicine apps and Artificial intelligence help doctors optimize their workflow and improve patient care.

According to the report by McKinsey & Company, telehealth usage was 78 times higher in April 2020 than in February 2020.

You can benefit by learning about such technologies and how they are reinventing the healthcare sector.

Electronic Health Records

Using Electronic Health Records (EHRs) contributes to an enormous game shift in the healthcare industry. It eliminates the use of paper-based records and prevents medical errors.

This advancement helps patients access their medical information readily. And it also ensures better patient diagnosis and care.

The benefits of Electronic Health Records are:

  • It provides a detailed report of medical conditions and the history of patients.
  • It improves the coordination between healthcare personnel.
  • It simplifies information exchange between hospitals.
  • EHR is cost-effective compared to physical documents.
  • It helps advance medical knowledge and the development of treatment techniques.
  • It identifies, corrects, and prevents all medical errors to prevent poor diagnosis and treatment.

Data from Definitive Healthcare indicates that more than 89% of hospitals in the US have integrated EHR systems with their hospital operations.

3D Printing

3D printing is considered the inception of bleeding-edge technology in the healthcare sector. Many healthcare institutions use 3D printing technology for medical implants, surgical joints, prosthetics, and replicas of organs, blood vessels, and bones.

But prosthetics are its most popular and widely used applications because they can build close-to-perfect limbs. Such creations have helped normalize and improve the functionality of human movements.


Robotics is one of the most widely expanding sectors of medicine. Its innovations lead to disinfection robots and exoskeletons.

Robots created with learning algorithms can also serve as reliable companions to many humans. They can perform many routine tasks to help medical professionals focus on the more important ones.

Autonomous robots can deliver food, medicine, supplies, and specimen samples anywhere within the healthcare institution.

They can assist with chronic illnesses and address mental health difficulties.

Robotic surgery gives better control, accuracy, and flexibility during an operation.

Wearable Medical Devices

Patients can take care of their health by using wearables, health trackers, and sensors. These are innovative devices that help monitor your physical condition. And they also help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Some of these devices include:

  • Fitness Trackers
  • Heart Rate Monitors
  • Calorie Counters
  • Oximeters
  • Sweat Meters

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) possesses the potential to transform healthcare completely. AI algorithms can provide real-time data, simplify complex research, devise treatment regimens, manufacture medications faster, and even detect malignant and noncancerous tissue samples.

The AI technology helps medical professionals examine and diagnose the patients quickly and protect many from life-threatening situations. AI surgical systems can also simplify complex surgeries by providing exceptional accuracy during operations.

Big Data

Big data refers to data sets that enable complex categorization and larger volumes. It can uncover important information and simplify procedures.

Big data can assist the healthcare business in the following ways:

  • Better Hospital Staffing: Big data analyzes the hospital admission rate to help the management with future admission rates. It can also determine which hospital is likely to see the most admissions.
    It saves hospital time, saves money, and improves overall treatment quality.

  • Reduces Medication Mistakes: Big data can examine irregularities in patient information. It also ensures accuracy in medicine prescriptions and patient reports. Big Data programs warn clinicians if there is a possibility of a prescription mistake.

  • Promotes Preventative Treatment: Many people that visit the emergency room can be repeat visitors. Big data can detect such groups of patients, analyze their past medical history, and assist staff in providing the most effective diagnosis and treatment.

It can also provide preventive care programs and treatment to help patients avoid further hospital visits.


Benefits of Telemedicine
Telemedicine and telehealth are vital technological tools for two-way video consultations. It is a rapidly growing technology that helps people get medical treatment via digital devices.

Patients and doctors can quickly contact each other for consultation from any location.

Telemonitoring technology enables healthcare providers to monitor key health indicators, symptoms, and even blood levels while being distant from the patient.

The benefits of telemedicine include:

  • Less patient wait time
  • Access to rural regions
  • Better efficiency
  • Cost savings

Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual Reality (VR) can create settings that help prospective and qualified surgeons practice simple/complex procedures.

Patients are benefiting from easy pain management enabled by VR. It creates an environment for patients that can divert attention and decrease the level of pain.

Women may use virtual reality headsets to put their minds in a calm and relaxing setting during labor.

Mobile Health

Mobile health uses smartphone technology to provide medical information. Smartphones enable medical professionals to do healthcare-related activities practically anywhere around the globe.

Medical billers benefit from improved communication since they can send text message reminders regarding payment plans and unpaid invoices.

Mobile communication can also help save money by cutting the volume of physical mail, consumption of paper, and the storage space required.


Blockchain helps hospitals with the secure exchange of financial information with their suppliers.

It plays an essential role in keeping financial data and electronic health information accurate and well protected.

According to P&S Intelligence, blockchain in the healthcare market may reach $890.5 million by 2023. It is one of the reasons why the healthcare sector has a lot to benefit from investing in blockchain.

Real-Time Records

One of the advantages of technology in healthcare is that doctors can store real-time data of their patients.

This action was challenging for doctors before the technology innovation. Losing or forgetting a patient's medical history and health condition was a possible thing to happen.

Real-time medical records enabled by various medical technologies can prevent such situations. Doctors can now quickly review their patient's treatment history. They can store their patient's treatment history in computer databases and cloud storage.

It also improved the success rate and effectiveness of patient diagnosis and treatment.

Artificial Organs

Many artificial organs save people's lives or make them better every day. Artificial bones, joints, hands, feet, and hearts are available now to prolong or improve human life.

People with artificial organs find peace with a chance to live a better life. Mass production has also become possible due to artificial organs. It helps save and improve millions of lives all around the world.


The present impact of technology in healthcare already serves as an example of its future potential. It will reshape the healthcare sector operations and provide a chance to do better for everyone involved.

And all of it becomes quickly possible with some expert assistance from a good software or mobile app development company. Healthcare institutions only have to get in touch with them and guide the future of their work in any direction they want.

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