DEV Community

Young Mamba
Young Mamba

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Tools I Can't Live Without( As A Developer)

Code Editor

Code Tools

VS Code - My Favorite Code Editor. Love the extensions, love Emmet, love the fact that I can open a folder from the cmd with code .

Kite - AI Autocompletion. Helps speed up the process.


Productivity Tools - It's a website that allows you to use the Pomodoro technique. Which, for you that don't know about it, is a productivity hack where you work for X amount of time( usually 25, 50, or 55 minutes) and then take a break for Y amount of time( usually 5, 10 minutes).

What makes even better is that you can customize your Pomodoro. You can change the amount of time you want to work and the amount of time you want to take a break for. You can change after how many work sessions you'll have a long break, and what alarm to tell you when to start/stop working.

On its own, the Pomodoro technique makes you a lot more productive. But this website makes it even better.

LoFi - It's what I listen to while working. I find other music too distracting, or they just don't get you in a zone.
With the productivity system I have now, I use and LoFi at the same time to make the most out of the time I'm working.
Here are some of the tracks I like the most:

Get Answers

Get Answers Tools

Google - Do I even need to say anything here?
StackOverflow - Ask questions. Get answers. Give answers.
GitHub -  Save my projects. Look at other projects.

Connect With People

Connect With People Tools

Discord - I use Discord, only for educational purposes. I'm part of a ton of developer communities. You can connect with different people, and even build projects with them.

DEV -  A community of devs. I like this, because you can read almost every topic there. From how their( peoples) careers went, to what is my favorite OS, you have everything in And what's even better are the discussions there.

Create Designs

Create Designs Tools

Lunacy - Sometimes you just want to implement something that's unique. To create unique buttons/text/headers I use Lunacy. Then I bring everything over to my project as a .png.

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