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Intro to javascript

Hi Everyone.

As i am brushing up my knowledge in Javascript and their frameworks. i have planned to post a series of posts what i have learned now and then. Follow the series for refresh your knowledge in javascript.

Javascript is a light weight, Cross platform, object oriented **scripting **language which primarily runs of web browsers and in servers.

Interpreted or compiled

Interpreted languages runs code from top to bottom and execute result immediately while compiled languages converts the code to binary format and execute it.

Javascript is a interpreted language but from a technical point most javascript interpreters use Just-in-time compilation to improve performance and faster execution of the javascript code.

Javascript engine

JavaScript engine is simply a computer program that executes JavaScript code. It is responsible for translating human-readable JavaScript code into machine-readable instructions that the computer's hardware can execute.

Old javascript engines are mere compilers but modern javascript engines like v8 use just-in-time compilation to improve performance.

Popular javascript engines are

  • *v8 *: Used in chrome and node
  • Spider monkey : Used in firefox browser
  • Javascript core : powered safari

Single threaded or multi threaded

It is a single threaded synchronous language which can execute only one command at a time in a specific order.

Client side or server side

javascript is initially a client side scripting language which runs mostly on browser. but now a days modern javascript runs on both Client (browsers), Server side(Node) and almost everywhere from desktop to mobile applications.

To be continued...

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