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What’s asked for more? FrontEnd, Backend, Database, Maintaining

When you create a site....
What type of “admin” do you make? Do you rely on something like Django to Create a Admin for a client to update products or such as a blog?
How do you implement a way to “update” so they don’t mess up the code?
When you create a site, is there any times that a site is “as is” and they have to have someone else maintain it?

I’ve gotten better about “CRUD” and also implementing MongoDB.
So, how is a site updated with products, when you don’t want the client having access to the code?

Top comments (1)

recursivefaults profile image
Ryan Latta

If you're building a site for a client there are a few scenarios:

  1. You are hired to build the thing. In this scenario you complete the build, transfer all access and everything to them and train them on how to use it.
  2. You are hired to operate the thing (This might include #1). The client doesn't want to worry about this thing breaking, so they keep you around to make sure it works. In this model you will likely create different roles. A super admin for you and maybe someone else, and other more granular roles that allow the others to do their work without too much risk of messing up
  3. You are hired to operate but someone else is the admin. A very common scenario is you get brought in to fix or enhance, but you aren't able to do anything you want. In this model you have to work with the people who have full access to either take action on your behalf, or slowly trust you with elevated access.

Most of the time, operating sites is where you find out if you really made something easy to use. If you ask around most developers hate maintaining and operating for a really simple reason: It's not that easy.