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Discussion on: 🦀 Rust Reviewed: Is the hype justified? 🦀

yjdoc2 profile image

One of things I like about rust is how well integrated the cargo ecosystem is with the rust environment. Along with what you said about docs and packages, I really like how well the testing is integrated. Personally I have found that it has encouraged me to write more tests and hence a bit "better" code. And again that had allowed me to refactor and change things without worrying too much, as failing tests would show what has broken, which I think leads to your point that it makes one write "better" code.

lukechu10 profile image
Luke Chu

Don't forget cargo fmt. Having a opinionated style guide is really a blessing.

somedood profile image
Basti Ortiz

I totally agree! The seamless Cargo integration really makes the developer experience of the Rust workflow a thing of beauty.

twigman08 profile image
Chad Smith

While I do not know Rust, and honestly have not used it, the integration of cargo seems to be something I see that pops up a lot. I watched a video actually of setting up Rust and the basics of using it and immediately thought “this is what a development environment is supposed to be like. None of the whole let’s glue 20 different packages together in an environment and hope they work together”

Some languages could really learn a lot from that, but refuse to (I’m looking at you JavaScript).

somedood profile image
Basti Ortiz

Truly! It still surprises me how cargo new just works. The Rust Team has done an incredible job in making sure the developer experience is smooth.