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Yezy Ilomo

Python & JavaScript Developer

Location Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania Joined Joined on  twitter website


Software Developer

You’re One Import Away From Managing Global State In React

You’re One Import Away From Managing Global State In React

6 min read

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Server Side Rendering(SSR) With "State Pool" React State Manager

Server Side Rendering(SSR) With "State Pool" React State Manager

Comments 3
4 min read
You Can Definitely Use Global Variables To Manage Global State In React

You Can Definitely Use Global Variables To Manage Global State In React

Comments 24
10 min read
Global state management in React with global variables and hooks. State management doesn't have to be so hard.

Global state management in React with global variables and hooks. State management doesn't have to be so hard.

Comments 12
8 min read
Introducing a Simple React State Manager Based on Hooks

Introducing a Simple React State Manager Based on Hooks

Comments 2
4 min read
REST + Some GraphQL with Django REST Framework

REST + Some GraphQL with Django REST Framework

5 min read