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Cargo Actions: An efficient tool for managing and creating GitHub Actions workflow templates

In software development, continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) are crucial processes. To simplify this process, I developed Cargo Actions, a command-line tool based on the Rust language, which provides efficient workflow template management and creation functionality for GitHub Actions.

The main functions of Cargo Actions include:

  1. User authentication and login: Securely integrate with GitHub via the OAuth 2.0 protocol, allowing users to log in to Cargo Actions using their GitHub accounts.
  2. Workflow initialization: Support for initializing a workflow from a GitHub repository or template ID, providing a flexible way to integrate GitHub Actions workflows.
  3. Template upload and sharing: Users can upload their own created workflow templates to the Cargo Actions platform and share them with other users.
  4. Personalized template management: Allow users to manage their uploaded and favorite templates, facilitating the quick launch of familiar or commonly used workflow configurations.


Run the following command in the terminal:

cargo install cargo-actions
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Create a project using the GitHub repository URL, and you can omit the prefix. By default, the workflow template in will be used.

Using the abbreviated form, the rule (User/Repo) is:

cargo actions init yexiyue/cargo-actions
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Using the URL form:

cargo actions init
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Using the SSH form:

cargo actions init
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init command

You can also use the workflow on the Cargo Actions platform.

Copy the favorite workflow template to the terminal. For example:

cargo actions init 1 -i
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Upload Template

If you want to upload your own workflow to the Cargo Actions platform, please log in first.

cargo actions login
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Then prepare a workflow template.

A standard workflow template should have the following files:

  • cargo-action.json: Configuration file used to prompt the user for input
  • Template name.yaml.hbs: Template file
  • (optional)

cargo-action.json configuration field description

Field Name Type Description
name string Template name
description string Short description of the template
path string Template file path, default ${name}.yaml.hbs
prompts Prompt[] Defines the command-line interactive input items
success_message string Success message after template creation

Prompt configuration instructions

There are 4 types of prompts:

  1. type: "input"
Field Name Type Description
field string Field name (corresponding to the variable name in the template)
prompt string Input prompt
default string Default value
  1. type: "confirm"
Field Name Type Description
field string Field name (corresponding to the variable name in the template)
prompt string Input prompt
default bool Default value
  1. type: "select"
Field Name Type Description
field string Field name (corresponding to the variable name in the template)
prompt string Input prompt
default number Index value of the default option
options {value: any, label: string}[] Option list, where label is the prompt value and value is the value used in the template at the end
  1. type: "multiselect"
Field Name Type Description
field string Field name (corresponding to the variable name in the template)
prompt string Input prompt
default number[] Array of index values of default options
options {value: any, label: string}[] Option list, where label is the prompt value and value is the value used in the template at the end


  "name": "web-deploy",
  "description": "Build a web application to Github Pages",
  "prompts": [
      "type": "select",
      "field": "toolchain",
      "prompt": "Please select a package management tool",
      "default": 0,
      "options": [
          "label": "npm",
          "value": "npm"
          "label": "yarn",
          "value": "yarn"
          "label": "pnpm",
          "value": "pnpm"
      "type": "confirm",
      "field": "enable_cache",
      "prompt": "Enable caching",
      "default": true
      "type": "input",
      "field": "node_version",
      "prompt": "Please enter the node version number",
      "default": "node"
      "type": "input",
      "field": "folder",
      "prompt": "Web project path",
      "default": "."
      "type": "input",
      "prompt": "Build artifact directory (relative to the web project path)",
      "field": "target_dir",
      "default": "dist"
      "type": "confirm",
      "prompt": "Copy index.html to 404.html to support spa",
      "field": "copy_index",
      "default": false
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The template file is rendered using handlebars, and the template syntax can be referred to Handlebars (

Template file example:

name: web on: push: branches: - "master" workflow_dispatch: jobs: deploy:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: contents: write concurrency: group:
{{#raw}}$\{{ github.workflow }}-$\{{ github.ref }}{{/raw}}
steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v4
{{#if (eq toolchain "pnpm")}}
  - name: Install pnpm run: npm install -g pnpm
- name: Sync node version and setup cache uses: actions/setup-node@v4 with:
node-version: "{{node_version}}"
{{#if enable_cache}}
  {{#if (eq toolchain "pnpm")}}
    cache: "{{folder}}/pnpm-lock.yaml"
  {{#if (eq toolchain "npm")}}
    cache: "{{folder}}/package-lock.json"
  {{#if (eq toolchain "yarn")}}
    cache: "{{folder}}/yarn.lock"
- name: Install dependencies run: | cd
install - name: Build run: | cd
{{#if copy_index}}
- name: Deploy uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v4 with:
{{#raw}}github_token: $\{{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}{{/raw}}
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Expressions in {{{{raw}}}} {{{{/raw}}}} will not be escaped.

Before uploading, you can use the check command to verify if the workflow template is working properly.

cargo actions check
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Then use the upload command to upload the workflow template.

cargo actions upload
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Using the created template

You can quickly use your own created workflow template with the following command, note that you need to log in.

cargo actions mine
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You can also view the workflow template you created in the Cargo Actions platform Personal Center.

Using the favorite template

cargo actions favorite
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This command is similar to the mine command, and allows you to select a workflow from the templates you favorited on the Cargo Actions platform for initialization.

View more usage with the following command

cargo actions --help
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If you are interested in Cargo Actions, welcome to visit my GitHub repository for more information.

At the same time, if you find this tool helpful, don't forget to give it a like! Your support is the driving force for me to continuously update and improve.

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