DEV Community

Discussion on: Welcome Thread - v13

willsparger profile image

Hey all!

I'm Will and I live in Austin, TX. I have been learning web development for the past ~1.5 years after deciding to change career paths. I used to work as a business analyst for Apple but found myself wanting a more creative/rewarding profession.

I took a bootcamp to start and then landed my first freelance gig a few months after that. I'm still very much in learning mode but am excited to embark on what's next in my journey. I learned about this site through a link from a daily newsletter I get on web dev stuff (Versioning).

Currently trying to wrap my head around functional programming and also Node since my goal is to be a full stack dev eventually. Also excited about GraphQL and Gatsby.js!

Anyone have any experience with PIXI.js? I'm thinking of using it to create interactive street murals in the style of Keith Haring for my personal site. Which leads to my fun fact...

I'm also an avid digital artist and I create pretty much exclusively on my iPhone. If you have interest in checking out my work search me on Instagram: @wolfensparger

Thanks for reading!