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Wanna learn Vim - Get yourself a 60% keyboard

Everyone's talking about vim, it's everywhere, and chances are you at some point have considered adapting this not quiet as new editor. Chances are also that you got your pre-configured neovim configuration set up to just the next day choosing vscode when turning you computer back on again.

With the new year rolling in (Happy 2024 everyone!) it's time for change, to create new habits, and to switch to vim.

I'm not going to ramble about what vim is because if your here you most likely already have tried it and knows what is is. And if that's not the case here's a link.

Like with most things in life you have to practice to become good at something, the only problem is that it's hard. It's extremely hard. To ease the learning curve while learning all of the new shortcuts and functions I believe you should get yourself a 60% keyboard.

Why you might ask. The answer is simple, to eliminate those pesky arrow keys (this is just an exaggeration, they are actually pretty great). And why is this so great, because either you click around with your mouse everywhere you want to go with your cursor, or you adapt the vim way and use the regular keyboard keys. In my experience there's no way you choose the first method. Therefore your only choice would be to learn vim, or maybe use a vim plugin for vscode which at that point might just be a sign that you should stick with vscode. Because at the end of the day it doesn't really matter which editor you use as long as you like using it. And there's no editor to rule them all, but if you fell like learning vim I'd recommend you give this a try.

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