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Only now and never again

QQ everyone, my name is Jasper and I'm the project manager of web3. Our project is growing very fast and we can't afford not to hire new team members. Right now we have open positions for a tester and a developer.
In Dinoverse you can explore different locations, breed and manage dinosaurs, find ancient fossils, build and develop your settlements. The game features mysterious obelisks that can take you back in time, spawning unique tasks, quests and rewards, as well as unlocking access to new areas and events in the game. Your own farm, where you can grow plants and eggs - your faithful companions as you travel through vast biomes in minutes. Of course now we use cars for travelling, instead of equipment we use everyday clothes, and instead of weapons and getting provisions we have a keyboard and food delivery. In general, this is a game about the prehistoric world and its development to what we now modestly call Generation Z.

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