DEV Community

Waylon Walker
Waylon Walker

Posted on • Originally published at

Open Files with Nvim Remote

I recently found a really great plugin by mhinz to open files in neovim from a different tmux split, without touching neovim at all.


neovim-remote is not a neovim plugin at all, it's a python cli that you can install with pip. Unlike the repo suggests, I use pipx to install nvr.

pipx install neovim-remote
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How I use it

I have this added to my .envrc that is in every one of my projects. This will tie a neovim session to that directory, and all directories under it.

export NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS=/tmp/nvim-$(basename $PWD)
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In my workflow I open a tmux session for each project, so this
essentially ties a neovim session to a tmux session.

Open neovim

First open neovim, but with the nvr command. This will open neovim, and look pretty much the same as always.

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If you try to run nvr again in another shell nothing will happen as its already runnin under that address, but if you give it a filename it will open the file in the first instance of neovim that you opened.

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