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I've been writing TypeScript without understanding it

vincanger on June 11, 2024

I admit, I don’t really understand TypeScript The other day, I was stuck with a bug in some code that was handling optimistic updates, s...
brense profile image
Rense Bakker

It's worth noting that transpilation and compilation are not exactly the same thing. Transpilation is a style of compilation that translates code from one language into another. In typescript that's theoretically really simple because it is a superset of JavaScript. Presumably if you remove all type information from the typescript file, it could be run like a normal JavaScript file. This is not exactly the case, but you get the difference with a language like C that gets compiled into machine code. Transpilation is typically really fast, while compilation can take a little longer. There are actually several runtimes now (bun/deno) that can run typescript code directly, without any transpilation.

vincanger profile image

Oh nice. Thanks for the info. I wasn’t aware that bun and deno could do that!

eshimischi profile image

Small correction about bun/deno. Both indeed execute TS without transpilation when do it directly, BUT if you launch your app in the browser they will use esbuild to transpile code into JS.

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joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

That's because Deno and Bun are Runtime Environments for Javascript/Typescript.
If you want to run your app in Browser (which contains a different Runtime Environment) you need to give it what it supports (JS in this case).

I don't know what's the sense on using Deno or Bun if your target is the browser in the first place but here's the explanation.

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eshimischi profile image

To be clear, from Bun's documentation: "Bun natively supports TypeScript out of the box. All files are transpiled on the fly by Bun's fast native transpiler before being executed. Similar to other build tools, Bun does not perform typechecking; it simply removes type annotations from the file."

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joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

Oh well, that's more lazy even, thank you for letting me know! <3

webreflection profile image
Andrea Giammarchi • Edited

the article is nice but the satisfies looks like a non-sense to me ... in JS:

const a = { name: 'Bob', age: 12 };
const b = a;
b === a;, a);
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A constant that points at another constant is the other constant itself. If b is exactly a it makes no sense that b satisfies Person but a does not satisfy Person, they are the exact same reference to the exact same pointer in memory.

I think this was a genuine mistake form TS itself and I get people trying hard to explain the difference but if JS is what matters at the end: there is no difference.

Specially with composition, I find extremely hard to also justify this:

// what does this do?
const a = {
  otherThing: 123
} satisfies Person;

// why is this fine?
const b = a satisfies Person;
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It looks like a limbo between casting where satisfies act like an enabler at distance but can't validate the "satisfaction" of the literal source of an object.

Once again, it's not about your post, rather about the fact you are giving for granted that satisfies behavior makes sense only because the master of TS or TS itself told you so ... I think they could've done a better job with a single keyword that is ambiguous for no reasons and it honestly makes zero sense at the JS level.

wchoj profile image
Wiktor Chojnacki

TS is a tool that let's you avoid JS runtime errors coming from inconsistencies in types. You may want to use it, you may not. But as with every tool it may not be immediately apparent why there exist parts you wouldn't think make sense.

// what does it do?
It merely annotates for the later type checking, that this objects is of a type that satisfies the type Person. If the foreign or explicit out-of-type properties are there you would be notified about a type mismatch error.

// why is this fine?
This is just an assignment. JS wise there is nothing special to it. I assume the b is as defined in the previous code block. It would help your examples if you defined the Person type.

Try to think of the 'satisfies' in the following way. You have a type A that can be satisfied in many ways because of type unions. Now you want an instance value of that type, that therefore is a subset of those union alternatives. 'Satisfies' gives you a new, ad-hoc type definition that is a subset of the original type. There is a fair example of why would you do that in the OP's post.

Now if you don't find TS useful, fair. For many projects it can make development faster and the un-prevented bugs will be reasonably easy to solve. At some projects tho the complexity requires equally complex tooling and TS is one of them. Please be sure that there is a lot of smart people woking on TS. If you find yourself thinking "it makes no difference" or "it doesn't make sense" I encourage you to challenge it with - maybe I haven't encountered the problem yet that this is trying to solve. And that's fine!

jendoodle profile image
Jen Lewis

I agree, honestly the more I learn about TS the less it seems necessary. Just kind of seems like it's forcing Javascript to do something it wasn't designed to do.

webreflection profile image
Andrea Giammarchi • Edited

that's where I'd draw a line between being a superset VS a shenanigans based logic ... luckily enough, I still don't need TS in my projects as they are all core JS enablers, no need for this mental muscles unnecessary overhead 🤷‍♂️

michaelmior profile image
Michael Mior

Now, Let’s see how TypeScript inferred the types of the person properties:

TypeScript isn't really inferring anything here. You told TypeScript that the type of the properties should be either a string or a number :)

vincanger profile image

Yes, you're right. What I should have said is that typescript did not infer the narrower type I defined. :)

daniel_nwokocha profile image
Daniel Nwokocha

I also like your honest style of writing.

vincanger profile image

Thanks, Daniel.

devvictory profile image
Karan Sethi

Thanks for sharing this! Admire your style of writing mate.

justaguyfrombr profile image
Misael Braga de Bitencourt

Typescript is a linter

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

Just in the sense of static code analysis but the similarities end there. Sadly though 😅 If that were the case we wouldn't require ESLint and additional sh*tload of dependencies which would be nice

robert_schaffrath_8fa02f5 profile image
Robert Schaffrath

With the Bun runtime, you can run TypeScript as is. No transpiling needed. Also runs CommonJS and ESmodules without special file name extensions.

eshimischi profile image

Transpilation by bun or deno is happing when you launch your app in the browser.. because non of modern browsers know something about TS yet (i know that community is working on it)

masteing_the_code profile image
Joel Jose

This is really good. I enjoyed the reading.

vincanger profile image


itsarun01 profile image
Arun kumar

Superb article

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Great content! It brings real insight on real life!

Thank you!
Keep the great work up!

Antonio, CEO & Founder at Litlyx

pyprocrast profile image

TLDR- I’ve been writing every language without understanding it. 😂😂😂

syedmuhammadaliraza profile image
Syed Muhammad Ali Raza

Good one with real life example

mikhaelesa profile image
Mikhael Esa

This is a great one! Will definitely try the satisfies keyword. Thank you!

ayush2390 profile image
Ayush Thakur

Quite an informative article

vincanger profile image

Thanks, glad you like it :)

devpugg profile image

Couple of things:

Transpilation is a made up new term, it's just compilation.
Compiling means parsing source code, building an AST and then generating some other source code. Usually, that's lower level code like Assembly, which can be used to produce machine code, but that's an implementation detail.
Some folks thought compiling higher level langs into other high level langs warranted a new term. Personally, I think it's just confusing, but whatever. Just wanted to point out there's nothing special about it.

The distinction between scripting and compiled langs is also a bit misleading. That X user, @yacineMTB, and this article seem to conflate scripting with interpreted, but that's not quite the same thing. It's even more confusing that he then asks for a binary, which is the result of compilation. So he's essentially asking about running a compiled language without compiling it and yet, somehow, magically, still have a binary. Makes no sense.
If you want to run a script, you typically use an interpreter, and you can do that for TS too, via Deno and Bun.

Which brings me to VMs. They don't generate machine code per se, in fact, the whole point is to avoid it. Again, that's a compiler's job. VMs instead take an AST and evaluate it, thereby skipping the code generation step.

Finally, type systems! TS's excess property checking is a semantic rule and not necessarily related to the Structural nature of the type system. It's more about subtyping, which granted, is more frequent in structural systems. A structural type system can still throw a type error in subtyping situations if the definition of type equality demands it.
For example, you could rule {foo: string} != { foo: string, bar: integer }. TS developers decided against it, and while that's a somewhat controversial decision, I personally think it was a good one given the nature of most JS codebases.
If you're interested, other languages, name Purescript and Elm, are far stricter on this and avoid subtyping, instead opting for something like row polymorphism or extensible records. That has its downsides too, though.

michaelmior profile image
Michael Mior

Transpilation isn't really a "new term." Transpilers have been around since at least the mid-90s.

mirzalazuardi profile image
Mirzalazuardi Hermawan

Thanks for sharing your knowledge

dtasev profile image

On a first look this is just a runtime type error waiting to happen...

What's the point of declaring a string | number when you know what the type is? The whole point is to show you the potential type error, and with satisfies you've not fixed the real issue, but hidden it.

If your variable can be more than one type and the function/property you're calling doesn't exist on all types then you will have to do type checks at runtime to avoid a runtime error anyways.

alex_peirson_1aae004e1cfd profile image
Alex Peirson

Thanks for a great article! Like you I've been increasingly using TS but have realised that I don't truly understand it. This scenario where an object can have multiple keys of different types is something I run into all the time so am really grateful to learn about the satisfies keyword - thanks!

dscheglov profile image
Dmytro Shchehlov

It seems the author is more interested in promoting their product than discussing TypeScript. It's just clickbait, nothing more ... unfortunatelly.

By the way, JavaScript has become a compiled language since the introduction of Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation in modern JavaScript engines like V8, which was introduced in 2008.

z2lai profile image
z2lai • Edited

Great topic! I never knew about this feature which seems to be an alternative to explicitly casting with "as".

However, everything starting from "Why is that? (when you were explaining the bug with intermediate variables) makes no sense. You mention it's a Javascript thing then you immediately introduce a TypeScript concept.

Excess property checking is actually the exception to the rule. TypeScript uses what’s called a “Structural Type System”. This is just a fancy way to say that if a value has all the expected properties, it will be used.

This paragraph was confusing, are we talking about excess property checking or structural type system and how is it an exception to what rule?

And lastly, your solution to the "bug" with satisfies is avoiding it altogether and going back to direct type annotation. But this brings us back to the original problem, so I'm actually unsure of what you're trying to say at the end.

My feedback is less about your technical knowledge but more about improving your thought process or paragraph structuring. I think it would help if you added a concluding sentence per paragraph that summarizes the point youre trying to make by tying the why and how back to the what, before jumping to the next paragraph. And on the same note, the entire article jumps all over the place from introducing the satisfies keyword, then to what is TypeScript, then to promoting your SaaS (please move this to the end), then back to the actual topic of the article.

Anyway, thank you for sharing and keep on writing and improving!

matijasos profile image
Matija Sosic

Nice stuff! I think "transcompilation" is often referred to as "transpilation" - any difference between the two?

michaelmior profile image
Michael Mior

They're the same thing although transpilation is the much more commonly used term.

rampa2510 profile image

Things like these makes me want to steer away from Javascript. We have to do so many complex stuff just to fix a linter issue.

infomiho profile image
Mihovil Ilakovac

Any good books to recommend on the topic?

vincanger profile image

I read a bit of Effective TypeScript for this article, along with some random blog articles