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Coding Jitsu
Coding Jitsu

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Next JS 14 | Optimizing Fonts and Images

In this chapter...

Here are the topics we’ll cover

T How to add custom fonts with next/font.

🌉 How to add images with next/image.

🚀 How fonts and images are optimized in Next.js.

Why optimize fonts?

Fonts play a significant role in the design of a website, but using custom fonts in your project can affect performance if the font files need to be fetched and loaded.

Cumulative Layout Shift is a metric used by Google to evaluate the performance and user experience of a website. With fonts, layout shift happens when the browser initially renders text in a fallback or system font and then swaps it out for a custom font once it has loaded. This swap can cause the text size, spacing, or layout to change, shifting elements around it.

Mock UI showing initial load of a page, followed by a layout shift as the custom font loads.
Next.js automatically optimizes fonts in the application when you use the next/font module. It downloads font files at build time and hosts them with your other static assets. This means when a user visits your application, there are no additional network requests for fonts which would impact performance.

Adding a primary font

Let's add a custom Google font to your application to see how this works!

In your /app/ui folder, create a new file called fonts.ts. You'll use this file to keep the fonts that will be used throughout your application.

Import the Inter font from the next/font/google module - this will be your primary font. Then, specify what subset you'd like to load. In this case, 'latin':


import { Inter } from 'next/font/google';

export const inter = Inter({ subsets: ['latin'] });
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Finally, add the font to the <body> element in /app/layout.tsx:


import '@/app/ui/global.css';
import { inter } from '@/app/ui/fonts';

export default function RootLayout({
}: {
  children: React.ReactNode;
}) {
  return (
    <html lang="en">
      <body className={`${inter.className} antialiased`}>{children}</body>

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By adding Inter to the <body> element, the font will be applied throughout your application. Here, you're also adding the Tailwind antialiased class which smooths out the font. It's not necessary to use this class, but it adds a nice touch.

Navigate to your browser, open dev tools and select the body element. You should see Inter and Inter_Fallback are now applied under styles.

Why optimize images?

Next.js can serve static assets, like images, under the top-level /public folder. Files inside /public can be referenced in your application.

With regular HTML, you would add an image as follows:

  alt="Screenshots of the dashboard project showing desktop version"
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However, this means you have to manually:

  • Ensure your image is responsive on different screen sizes.
  • Specify image sizes for different devices.
  • Prevent layout shift as the images load.
  • Lazy load images that are outside the user's viewport.

Image Optimization is a large topic in web development that could be considered a specialization in itself. Instead of manually implementing these optimizations, you can use the next/image component to automatically optimize your images.

The <Image> component

The <Image> Component is an extension of the HTML <img> tag, and comes with automatic image optimization, such as:

  • Preventing layout shift automatically when images are loading.
  • Resizing images to avoid shipping large images to devices with a smaller viewport.
  • Lazy loading images by default (images load as they enter the viewport).
  • Serving images in modern formats, like WebP and AVIF, when the browser supports it.

Here is the full video:

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