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Discussion on: What was your win this week?

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini • Edited

You know, I've been blogging on and off for years. I've tried Medium, WordPress, a personal blog with Gatsby but never could make it an habit.

This June I've decided to write for exact 20 minutes everyday, no excuses, and I finally feel like it is starting to get automatic. 20 min is quick enough that I can push through when I don't feel like writing but sums up to about 2 writing hours a week, which is enough for a brief article.

That new habit won me what I believe it was my most read piece of content ever. The funny titled "3 cool CSS tricks to impress your friends at parties" post I did here.

So yeah, that was my major win this week. I feel that DEV as a platform is just what I needed in terms of audience and feedback to keep writing every day and becoming a better developer in the meantime.

devindford profile image
Devin Ford

Really enjoyed your article!! Thank you for sharing, and keep on going you’re crushing it!

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

This makes me so happy to read. And I loved your "party tricks" post. A handful of us on the DEV content team really got a kick out of it and found the content super useful. I want to go to those kinds of parties πŸ˜‚ Congrats on your new writing habit, Vitor. Keep it up!

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

That was a great article.

And I like your approach of just doing 20 minutes a week. I'll have to give that a try. I've been wanting to blog more, but find myself getting blank screen paralysis and avoiding it entirely.

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

Related to this, I toyed with the idea of breaking down blogged into Tweet-sized sections.

As opposed to writing a blog post, it's writing a Tweet's worth of content and taking time later to string them together into a cohesive blog post.

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vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini

That sounds interesting. I've tried a lot of different things but so this strategy is what is working best.

The good part about being hard on that 20 min limit is that I started to naturally think about the article that I'm writing during the day, maybe because my brain knows that I don't have much time to put it down.

One thing that makes it hard for me, however, is over-planning my post. If I try to write the next sections without being done with the current I get stuck.

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scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

Yes to over-planning! My draft process is a lot of bullet points of ideas, that I tend shuffle into cohesive sections (hopefully) then flesh out into something readable.

I will say that The Developer's Guide to Content Creation has made the writing process easier. The worksheets there and smaller writing blocks have made finishing a post easier when I take the brain power to get it done.