VLC Media Player is a genuine software that facilitates all the tools necessary for playing media content. It can play any audio or video format. It doesn’t contain any malware, and it is perfectly safe for download and installation. As we already know, VLC is full of features. You can also add mp3 lyrics while playing a song on it.
Many people have a habit of reading verses when listening to music. If you are one among them and don’t know how to do it? Then we will guide you. This guide describes how to add lyrics to MP3 in VLC Media Player using simple instructions.
Features of VLC Media Player
- This software almost supports every video and audio file format and plays every media.
- It is used to convert any medial file formats without using additional plugins.
- VLC can stream media over the local network as well as on the internet.
- It supports many platforms like Windows , Mac, ** and **Linux.
- This program helps to watch videos crisply and clearly.
- It is ranked amongst the most advanced and *progressive * softwares.
Attach Lyrics to MP3 in VLC
Do as follows if you want to attach lyrics while playing a song in VLC media.
- Launch the VLC Media Player program on your system.
- Under the Media Tab , select the Open File option from the menu.
- In the File Explorer window, you have to select the mp3 file you want to play and hit the Open button.
- In VLC, go to the View Tab , and select the Get the lyrics from lyricsmode.com option from the menu.
- It will display the Lyrics Finder dialog box.
- In the Title field , you need to enter the song title , and in the Artist section , you have to enter the Artist name for that song.
- Then, click the Get Lyrics option.
- Now, it will add the song lyrics on the VLC media player, as shown below.
Use Minilyrics for VLC Player
- Minilyrics is a free lyrics plug-in for the VLC media player.
- It can enable VLC to display the song lyrics while you are playing any song on it.
- Use this link to add this plug-in to your VLC program.
- In the Setup window, you need to enable the Support VLC option and click the Install button.
- Go to the VLC Media Player, and on the Tools tab , you need to click the Preferences option.
- It will open the Simple Preferences window, where you have to move to the bottom of the window.
- Under the Show Settings section, you need to select the All option.
- Now, you will see the Advanced Preferences wizard.
- Click on the Interface option at the left pane, and select the *Control Interfaces option. *
- At the right pane, you have to choose the Minilyrics plug-in and hit the Save button *. *
- From now onwards, if you play any song in VLC, the mini lyrics plug-in will automatically add the lyrics to it.
This guide has taught us how to add lyrics to MP3 in VLC Media Player using simple instructions. You can check out more VLC related posts on our site, vlc.guru.
Video Tutorial
The post How to Display Lyrics In VLC Player? appeared first on VLC Guru- VLC Help, Tutorials & Guide.
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