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Vivek Mittal
Vivek Mittal

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Understanding the Difference Between compose() and pipe() in JavaScript

JavaScript is a versatile and expressive language that allows developers to manipulate data and create complex functions. In functional programming, two essential concepts for data transformation and function composition are compose and pipe. Both of these functions are used to combine multiple functions to create new, more complex functions. However, they differ in the order in which they execute the functions and their overall behavior. In this article, we'll explore the differences between compose and pipe in JavaScript.

The Basics of Compose and Pipe

Before delving into the differences, let's first understand what compose and pipe are and how they work.


compose is a function often found in functional programming libraries like Ramda or Lodash. It takes multiple functions as arguments and returns a new function that is the composition of those functions. The order of composition is from right to left, meaning that the rightmost function is executed first, and its result is passed as an argument to the next function to its left.

Here's how compose works:

const compose = (...functions) => input => functions.reduceRight((acc, fn) => fn(acc), input);
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pipe is quite similar to compose in its purpose, but it differs in execution order. It also takes multiple functions as arguments and returns a new function, but the execution order is from left to right. In other words, the leftmost function is executed first, and its result is passed as an argument to the next function to its right.

Here's how pipe works:

const pipe = (...functions) => input => functions.reduce((acc, fn) => fn(acc), input);
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Key Differences

Now that we understand how compose and pipe work, let's dive into the key differences between them:

Execution Order

The most significant difference between compose and pipe is the order in which they execute the functions. Compose executes functions from right to left, while pipe executes functions from left to right. This order can have a profound impact on the output of the composed function.

For example, consider the following functions:

const addTwo = x => x + 2;
const double = x => x * 2;
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Using compose:

const composedFunc = compose(double, addTwo);
composedFunc(3); // Output: 10
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Using pipe:

const pipedFunc = pipe(addTwo, double);
pipedFunc(3); // Output: 10
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In the compose example, addTwo is applied first, followed by double, resulting in 10. In the pipe example, addTwo is applied first, resulting in 5, and then double is applied, resulting in 10.

Use Cases

The choice between compose and pipe depends on the specific use case and the order in which you want to apply your functions. Compose is often used when you want to apply functions from right to left, which can be useful when you have a series of transformations or filters that you want to apply in a particular order.

Pipe, on the other hand, is ideal when you want to apply functions from left to right. This can be helpful when you want to build up a transformation step by step, where the output of each function is fed into the next one.


Another consideration is code readability. Depending on the situation, one of the functions might make your code more readable than the other. If you find that one order of function application makes the code more intuitive and easier to understand, it's advisable to use that approach.


In JavaScript, compose and pipe are powerful tools for function composition, enabling you to create complex functions from simpler ones. The main difference between them lies in the order in which they execute the functions, with compose working from right to left and pipe working from left to right. Choosing between the two depends on your specific use case and readability preferences. Understanding these differences will help you write more efficient and maintainable code in your JavaScript applications.

Top comments (3)

mardiya profile image
Mardiya Zubairu • Edited

Great explanation.. learnt something new today. Pipe would be more preferable for me..
I think you might want to check the results the pipe function is returning. With the order of the methods parsed, If you’re adding 2 and getting 5, doubling it should also give you a 10 as well..

vivek96_ profile image
Vivek Mittal

yes my bad, corrected it! nice observation :)

artydev profile image

Nice thank you,
You can look at this wonderfull library : Rubico