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Vivek Mittal
Vivek Mittal

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An In-Depth Guide to HTTP Methods for frontend developers


The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the foundation of data communication on the World Wide Web. It's the protocol that enables your web browser to fetch and display web pages, and it's used for many other purposes, including RESTful API interactions. HTTP methods, also known as HTTP verbs, play a crucial role in this protocol, defining the actions a client can perform on a resource. In this article, we will explore the various HTTP methods and their uses.

HTTP Methods: A Brief Overview

HTTP defines several methods, each with a specific purpose. These methods provide a standardized way for clients, such as web browsers or applications, to interact with web servers. Here are some of the most common HTTP methods:

GET: The GET method is used to request data from a specified resource. When you enter a URL in your browser, it sends a GET request to the server, which then responds with the requested web page. GET requests are typically read-only and should not have any side effects on the server.

POST: The POST method is used to submit data to be processed by a resource. It's commonly used when you submit a form on a web page. POST requests can have side effects, such as creating a new resource or updating existing data on the server.

PUT: The PUT method is used to update a resource or create it if it doesn't exist. Unlike POST, which might have side effects, a PUT request is idempotent, meaning that making the same request multiple times has the same result as making it once.

PATCH: The PATCH method is used to apply partial modifications to a resource. It's often used to update specific fields within an existing resource, without affecting the rest of the resource's data.

DELETE: The DELETE method is used to request the removal of a resource. It's a way to delete data on the server. Like PUT, DELETE requests are idempotent.

HEAD: The HEAD method is similar to GET but doesn't return the response body. It's used to retrieve metadata about a resource, such as headers, without transferring the actual data.

OPTIONS: The OPTIONS method is used to request information about the communication options available for a resource. It's often used to check the server's capabilities.

CONNECT: The CONNECT method is primarily used to establish a network connection to a resource, typically for the purpose of setting up a tunnel for secure communication.

TRACE: The TRACE method is used for diagnostic purposes, allowing clients to see what changes have been made to a resource as it's been passed through intermediaries.

Common Use Cases

Each HTTP method serves a specific purpose and is suitable for various use cases:

GET: Retrieving web pages, fetching data, or reading information from a server.

POST: Submitting forms, sending data for processing, or creating new resources on the server.

PUT: Updating resources on the server, including replacing the entire resource.

PATCH: Making partial updates to resources, such as modifying specific fields in a database record.

DELETE: Removing resources from the server.


Understanding HTTP methods is fundamental for web developers and anyone working with web services. These methods dictate how clients interact with servers, making it possible to retrieve, modify, and delete resources while maintaining a standardized and secure approach.

When developing web applications or working with RESTful APIs, it's essential to choose the appropriate HTTP method for the task at hand. GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, and the other HTTP methods each have their own role and implications. Properly using these methods ensures efficient and reliable communication between clients and servers, contributing to the overall functionality and security of web-based systems.

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