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DigitalOcean Hackathon

What I built

For this project, Robert Osborne and (I) Victoria Bigsby worked on creating a Portfolio using the DigitalOcean platform. Robert Osborne was the engineer in the team while I was the UI Designer.


Victoria Bigsby (@vbigsby ): UX/UI Designer
Robert Osborne (@r0b ): Software Engineer

Category Submission

Personal Site/Portfolio

App Link


Screen Shot 2021-01-10 at 8.20.00 PM
Screen Shot 2021-01-10 at 8.37.06 PM


The main focus of this project was just to create version 1 of the portfolio piece. Since this was our first time using the DigitalOcean platform we wanted to ensure we had a finished product by the end date.

Link to Source Code

Permissive License

MIT License


The reason we wanted to build a portfolio is that (I) Victoria Bigsby am a UX/UI student at Springboard. During this curriculum, designers will need to create a portfolio piece. With 3 months left in my program, our team thought to get a jump start on this.

The reason I wanted to try this route is that I eventually am aiming to learn more HTML, CSS, and Javascript. With a portfolio and maintaining the site, would give me an excellent opportunity to learn.

How I built it

We used these technologies to build the app:

  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Next.js
  • Figma
  • Digital Ocean's App Platform

We had deployed our app using the Next.js starter repo but given that the app only has two static pages we had to redeploy the app to a static site. This was a case where the documentation proved to be more helpful than the starter repos.

Additional Resources/Info

Please check out our CaseStudy here

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