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Enhancing SEO with Slugs: A Better Approach for URL Composition

In the world of web development, constructing URLs plays a crucial role in creating user-friendly and search engine optimized applications. When it comes to displaying details of objects from a database, choosing the right field for URL composition becomes a critical decision. In this blog post, we'll explore why using slugs is a superior option compared to other fields, using the example of a MongoDB database storing place details.

The Challenge: Choosing the Right Field

Consider a MongoDB database with a place object containing properties such as name, address, id, otherdetails, and images. Traditionally, developers might opt to use the id or name fields for URL composition. However, each approach has its drawbacks.

Using id: SEO Unfriendly

While using the id seems logical for ensuring a unique URL, it lacks meaning. Search engines prefer URLs that provide context and relevance to the content. A URL with just an arbitrary ID does little to enhance SEO.

Using name: Potential Pitfalls

On the other hand, using the name field seems more user-friendly, as it provides a meaningful URL. However, names can be problematic. They might contain spaces, special characters, and varying capitalization. URLs with such elements are not considered best practice, as they can lead to inconsistencies and SEO challenges.

The Solution: Introducing Slugs

To address these challenges, a better solution is to introduce a new field in the place object called a slug. A slug is a URL-friendly version of a string, typically generated by transforming the original string into a format that eliminates spaces, special characters, and capitalization issues.

Advantages of Using Slugs

  1. SEO-Friendly URLs: Slugs provide URLs that are meaningful, descriptive, and optimized for search engines.

  2. Consistency: Since slugs are generated algorithmically, they ensure consistency and predictability in URLs.

  3. User Experience: Slugs contribute to a better user experience by creating clean and readable URLs.

  4. Avoiding Special Character Issues: Slugs eliminate the problems associated with special characters and capitalization in URLs.


In conclusion, using slugs for URL composition in web applications, particularly when dealing with database objects like places, is a wise choice. It strikes a balance between meaningful URLs for users and SEO-friendly practices for search engines. By implementing slugs, developers can create a more polished and professional web experience. So, the next time you're faced with the decision of which field to use in your URLs, consider the benefits that slugs bring to the table.

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