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How I Optimized Huys Kitchen's Website by Serving Images with Exact Size

How I Optimized Huys Kitchen's Website by Serving Images with Exact Size

2 min read

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Enhancing SEO with Slugs: A Better Approach for URL Composition

Enhancing SEO with Slugs: A Better Approach for URL Composition

2 min read
A Simple Way to Expose Internal Component State in React

A Simple Way to Expose Internal Component State in React

1 min read
README : add viewport meta tag

README : add viewport meta tag

1 min read
Mastering the Art of Flash Card Study: A Fun and Effective Learning Technique

Mastering the Art of Flash Card Study: A Fun and Effective Learning Technique

Comments 1
2 min read
A simple way to deal with closure over a stale state in React code

A simple way to deal with closure over a stale state in React code

1 min read
How to detect if a website is running on a webview?

How to detect if a website is running on a webview?

1 min read
Possible reasons for slow page transitions in NextJS

Possible reasons for slow page transitions in NextJS

2 min read
Simple custom hook to figure out which state change triggered an effect in React

Simple custom hook to figure out which state change triggered an effect in React

1 min read
Use git commit --amend to add new changes to the previous commit i.e., HEAD~{0}

Use git commit --amend to add new changes to the previous commit i.e., HEAD~{0}

1 min read
Combining debugger statement and console.trace for faster issue debugging

Combining debugger statement and console.trace for faster issue debugging

1 min read