Back for another installment of how to maybe encrypt stuff using various languages, in this instance we're using Rust.
I still don't use Rust in my day-job, so I don't get a lot of time to toy with it at the minute and was very distracted. This weekend I finally managed to get back to it and have been working on a password manager CLI (another post will be coming later) which got me looking at how to handle file encryption, which is something I've not found too many useful posts on. So I decided to smash my face against the wall that is figuring out how to handle potentially large file encryption.
As ever, I am not a cryptographer so take this with a grain of salt and if I'm wrong, please let me know!
Use the below code and it should Just Work TM
cargo add orion
cargo add rand_core --features=getrandom
use std::fs::{File, remove_file};
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use orion::hazardous::{
aead::xchacha20poly1305::{seal, open, Nonce, SecretKey},
use orion::hazardous::stream::chacha20::CHACHA_KEYSIZE;
use orion::kdf::{derive_key, Password, Salt};
use rand_core::{OsRng, RngCore};
fn get_random(dest: &mut [u8]) {
RngCore::fill_bytes(&mut OsRng, dest);
fn nonce() -> Vec<u8> {
let mut randoms: [u8; 24] = [0; 24];
get_random(&mut randoms);
return randoms.to_vec();
fn auth_tag() -> Vec<u8> {
let mut randoms: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
get_random(&mut randoms);
return randoms.to_vec();
fn simple_split_encrypted(cipher_text: &[u8]) -> (Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>) {
return (
fn create_key(password: String, nonce: Vec<u8>) -> SecretKey {
let password = Password::from_slice(password.as_bytes()).unwrap();
let salt = Salt::from_slice(nonce.as_slice()).unwrap();
let kdf_key = derive_key(&password, &salt, 15, 1024, CHACHA_KEYSIZE as u32).unwrap();
let key = SecretKey::from_slice(kdf_key.unprotected_as_bytes()).unwrap();
return key;
fn encrypt_core(
dist: &mut File,
contents: Vec<u8>,
key: &SecretKey,
nonce: Nonce,
) {
let ad = auth_tag();
let output_len = match contents.len().checked_add(POLY1305_OUTSIZE + ad.len()) {
Some(min_output_len) => min_output_len,
None => panic!("Plaintext is too long"),
let mut output = vec![0u8; output_len];
seal(&key, &nonce, contents.as_slice(), Some(ad.clone().as_slice()), &mut output[CHACHA_KEYSIZE..]).unwrap();
fn decrypt_core(
dist: &mut File,
contents: Vec<u8>,
key: &SecretKey,
nonce: Nonce
) {
let split = simple_split_encrypted(contents.as_slice());
let mut output = vec![0u8; split.1.len() - POLY1305_OUTSIZE];
open(&key, &nonce, split.1.as_slice(), Some(split.0.as_slice()), &mut output).unwrap();
const CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 128; // The size of the chunks you wish to split the stream into.
pub fn encrypt_large_file(
file_path: &str,
output_path: &str,
password: String
) -> Result<(), orion::errors::UnknownCryptoError> {
let mut source_file = File::open(file_path).expect("Failed to open input file");
let mut dist = File::create(output_path).expect("Failed to create output file");
let mut src = Vec::new();
source_file.read_to_end(&mut src).expect("Failed to read input file");
let nonce = nonce();
let key = create_key(password, nonce.clone());
let nonce = Nonce::from_slice(nonce.as_slice()).unwrap();
for (n_chunk, src_chunk) in src.chunks(CHUNK_SIZE).enumerate() {
encrypt_core(&mut dist, src_chunk.to_vec(), &key, nonce)
pub fn decrypt_large_file(
file_path: &str,
output_path: &str,
password: String
) -> Result<(), orion::errors::UnknownCryptoError> {
let mut input_file = File::open(file_path).expect("Failed to open input file");
let mut output_file = File::create(output_path).expect("Failed to create output file");
let mut src: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
input_file.read_to_end(&mut src).expect("Failed to read input file");
let nonce = src[..XCHACHA_NONCESIZE].to_vec();
src = src[XCHACHA_NONCESIZE..].to_vec();
let key = create_key(password, nonce.clone());
let nonce = Nonce::from_slice(nonce.as_slice()).unwrap();
for (n_chunk, src_chunk) in src.chunks(CHUNK_SIZE + CHACHA_KEYSIZE + POLY1305_OUTSIZE).enumerate() {
decrypt_core(&mut output_file, src_chunk.to_vec(), &key, nonce);
Needed crates
Let's start with what crates we'll be using. For the actual encryption we'll be using the orion crate as it allows us to use XChaCha20
. Next we'll use rand_core for RNG.
use orion::hazardous::{
aead::xchacha20poly1305::{seal, open, Nonce, SecretKey},
use orion::hazardous::stream::chacha20::CHACHA_KEYSIZE;
use orion::kdf::{derive_key, Password, Salt};
use rand_core::{OsRng, RngCore};
In order to properly handle the encryption process we'll need a few helper functions.
We need to be able to split the encrypted data into the key and the actual encrypted data:
fn split_encrypted(cipher_text: &[u8]) -> (Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>) {
return (
We also need to have a random nonce and a random authentication tag:
fn get_random(dest: &mut [u8]) {
RngCore::fill_bytes(&mut OsRng, dest);
fn nonce() -> Vec<u8> {
let mut randoms: [u8; 24] = [0; 24];
get_random(&mut randoms);
return randoms.to_vec();
fn auth_tag() -> Vec<u8> {
let mut randoms: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
get_random(&mut randoms);
return randoms.to_vec();
The last helper we need is to actually generate the secret key. Something I've overlooked in the past (much to my horror and dismay) is the fact you really need to use a KDF (Key Derivation Function) in order to get a good, secure key.
fn create_key(password: String, nonce: Vec<u8>) -> SecretKey{
let password = Password::from_slice(password.as_bytes()).unwrap();
let salt = Salt::from_slice(nonce.as_slice()).unwrap();
let kdf_key = derive_key(&password, &salt, 15, 1024, CHACHA_KEYSIZE as u32).unwrap();
let key = SecretKey::from_slice(kdf_key.unprotected_as_bytes()).unwrap();
return key;
Now we're ready to start encrypting and decrypting files! I wanted to create some separate functions for the actual encryption and decryption since we want to be looping over chunks and having these inside the loops makes it harder to read.
note: we create an auth_tag for every chunk and that is important. The AD doesn't need to be secure but it does need to be unique per chunk. Technically the nonce should also be unique per chunk (the name being Number used ONCE) but that would add significant size and complexity so I opted not to
fn encrypt_core(
dist: &mut File,
contents: Vec<u8>,
key: &SecretKey,
nonce: Nonce,
) {
let ad = auth_tag();
let output_len = match contents.len().checked_add(POLY1305_OUTSIZE + ad.len()) {
Some(min_output_len ) => min_output_len,
None => panic!("Plaintext is too long"),
let mut output = vec![0u8; output_len];
seal(&key, &nonce, contents.as_slice(), Some(ad.clone().as_slice()), &mut output[CHACHA_KEYSIZE..]).unwrap();
fn decrypt_core(
dist: &mut File,
contents: Vec<u8>,
key: &SecretKey,
nonce: Nonce
) {
let split = simple_split_encrypted(contents.as_slice());
let mut output = vec![0u8; split.1.len() - POLY1305_OUTSIZE];
open(&key, &nonce, split.1.as_slice(), Some(split.0.as_slice() ), &mut output).unwrap();
Let's encrypt/decrypt some files!
pub fn encrypt_large_file(
file_path: &str,
output_path: &str,
password: String
) -> Result<(), orion::errors::UnknownCryptoError> {
let mut source_file = File::open(file_path).expect("Failed to open input file");
let mut dist = File::create(output_path).expect("Failed to create output file");
let mut src = Vec::new();
source_file.read_to_end(&mut src).expect("Failed to read input file");
let nonce = nonce();
let key = create_key(password, nonce.clone());
let nonce = Nonce::from_slice(nonce.as_slice()).unwrap();
for (n_chunk, src_chunk) in src.chunks(CHUNK_SIZE).enumerate() {
encrypt_core(&mut dist, src_chunk.to_vec(), &key, nonce)
pub fn decrypt_large_file(
file_path: &str,
output_path: &str,
password: String
) -> Result<(), orion::errors::UnknownCryptoError> {
let mut input_file = File::open(file_path).expect("Failed to open input file");
let mut output_file = File::create(output_path).expect("Failed to create output file");
let mut src: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
input_file.read_to_end(&mut src).expect("Failed to read input file");
let nonce = src[..XCHACHA_NONCESIZE].to_vec();
src = src[XCHACHA_NONCESIZE..].to_vec();
let key = create_key(password, nonce.clone());
let nonce = Nonce::from_slice(nonce.as_slice()).unwrap();
for (n_chunk, src_chunk) in src.chunks(CHUNK_SIZE + CHACHA_KEYSIZE + POLY1305_OUTSIZE).enumerate() {
decrypt_core(&mut output_file, src_chunk.to_vec(), &key, nonce);
That's it really. Hopefully this is self-explanatory enough but I always welcome comments, questions and improvements (even just telling me I'm wrong but I'd rather know why).
Header image by cottonbro studio:
Top comments (1)
Very useful! ð