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Eric Cordoba
Eric Cordoba

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One code at a time

Happy Monday Morning!

Over the weekend i thought about some of the things i want to do in the future. I know i want to start inventing again like i did when i was young. When i was a kid i would try to create or invent anything. Usually the things i made or had ideas for weren't related. I just had ideas and chased my thoughts.

Thinking about everything i want to do in the future makes me impatient and overwhelmed at the same time. I want to make apps and websites. I have new ideas allll the time for new products. A lot of the time i forget my ideas because i have so many. My hope is that i'm only months away from making these things happen.

My biggest challenge right now is working in a group. I rarely find people i can work with because i feel like my creative process gets interrupted. I have to remember that we need each other to push to the next level. If we were truly alone doing this there wouldn't be much point. I think this is do-able :) .. One code at a time.


Top comments (1)

martinbaun profile image
Martin Baun

I really appreciate this piece. Learning to code is hard. You don't do it by watching videos or reading books. You learn by doing these things one by one, then practicing, then going back to the resources as needed, and practicing some more. It's important that you commit. Kudos!