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Eric Cordoba
Eric Cordoba

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New Beginnings

Happy Monday morning!

Today is my first day of computer programming bootcamp. I have been anxious to start this class for the last few weeks. So far i have learned a little bit of code and how programmers use different processes to build products and applications.

I've been cooking for the past 18 years so jumping into this should be a little bit different to say the least. Since i started studying programming i have been looking at the world a little more differently. I can see how coding effects the whole world. Coding is at the center of almost everything people are doing nowadays. Nine to five jobs are becoming less and less. To me its a no brainer to sit behind the keyboard. I have been using computers since i was 7 years old. I remember windows 95 and the star screen saver.and just a few years after that i was downloading music illegally from Napster. Then in high school i started doing light music production on the computer. The only reason i wanted to cook was because of the people i was surrounded by. These were some very interesting people. A whole group of people made up of foodies, uneducated people with drug problems and single parents. No these aren't the only types of people working there but these are the people with very colored back stories. Something about all of this made me want to learn more. Needless to say, i've had just about enough of this life because these people are not the same as they used to be. I am very scared for the service industry in the future and I'm anxious to leave it behind and only cook for me and my family at home.

So today I will start on a new path and a brighter future. I am ready to leave an old world job and start a new adventure with new beginnings.


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