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Tsiry Sandratraina
Tsiry Sandratraina

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Streamline Your Development Environment Setup on ChromeOS and Linux


Setting up a development environment on a new Chromebook (ChromeOS) or any Linux distribution can be a time-consuming and daunting task. But fear not! Introducing Crosup, a powerful command-line tool designed to simplify and expedite the process. With Crosup, you can swiftly configure your development environment, install essential tools, and get coding in no time. In this article, we will explore the features, installation process, usage, and configuration options of Crosup, empowering you to streamline your development workflow.

Features That Make Crosup Stand Out

  1. Compatibility: Crosup is compatible with various operating systems, including ChromeOS, Debian-based Linux distributions, OpenSUSE, Fedora, RedHat, CentOS, Alpine, Arch, and Gentoo. It ensures a seamless experience regardless of your preferred platform.

  2. Easy Installation: With a single command, you can quickly install Crosup on your machine. Just run bash <(curl -sSL and let the magic unfold.

  3. Developer Tools Galore: Crosup provides an extensive collection of developer tools ready to be installed. From Docker, Nix, and Homebrew to VS Code, fzf, and kubectl, Crosup has you covered.

  4. Avoid Maintaining Custom Bash Scripts: Crosup eliminates the need to maintain custom bash scripts for setting up your development environment. Instead, it offers a standardized and easily configurable solution that saves you time and effort.

Installation Made Simple

To get started with Crosup, you need to execute a straightforward installation process. Just follow the command mentioned earlier, and Crosup will be up and running on your system.

Usage Made Easy

Crosup's intuitive user interface simplifies the installation of developer tools. By executing the crosup install command, you can effortlessly install various tools based on your requirements. Additionally, Crosup offers subcommands like help and init to provide further assistance and generate default configuration files.

Streamlining Your Workflow with Configuration:
Crosup employs a configuration file, Crosfile.toml, to determine the tools to be installed. By default, Crosup includes an embedded configuration, but you can generate a default configuration file using the crosup init command. The configuration file, written in HCL/TOML format, allows you to specify tools, packages, version checks, pre- and post-installation commands, and even dependencies.

Example Configuration for Debian-based System:

We'll explore a minimal Crosfile.toml configuration, which installs Vim and Git:

# Crosfile.toml
packages = [
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Contributing and License

Crosup is an open-source project, welcoming contributions, bug reports, and feature requests. If you're interested in improving Crosup, check out the project's CONTRIBUTING guidelines. Crosup is licensed under the MIT License, enabling you to freely use, modify, and distribute the tool.


Crosup is your go-to command-line tool for quickly setting up a development environment on ChromeOS and various Linux distributions. Its compatibility, simplicity, and extensive collection of developer tools make it a must-have for developers seeking an efficient workflow. With Crosup, you can bid farewell to lengthy setup processes and the need to maintain custom bash scripts, allowing you to focus on what you do best—coding.

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