Hey I want to tell a few about my Database System Project which I made with my team: Eko, Tasya, and Januar. Today is the deadline of the project LOL.
So basically this project is about Clinic Management System. We can find 9 main menus, there are: biodata menu, patient menu, doctor menu, nurse menu, treatment menu, recipe menu, medicine menu, appointment menu, and department menu. Each menu consists of 2 submenus, there are View Data and Input Data. This clinic management system is a web-based application using PHP, HTML, and CSS in its creation.
In each of the input data pages, the user will be presented a form to input the data, using the DML INSERT function, which is required according to the selected menu, and on the view page there is a responsive table that is easy to understand for the user, which helps in displaying clinic management system data captured using the DML SELECT function. Also in the view data pages, there is a column in the table that is the action column, which contains ‘Edit’ and ‘Delete’. For the Edit menu, the user is given facility to change or update the existing data based on the ID of the data using DML UPDATE function. And for Delete menu, user can delete existing data line, in case happened error or data is not needed anymore using DML DELETE function.
That’s it. You can view the project source codes and reports in my Github repository. Also please watch me and my team’s explanation about the project in this video below.
Please ignore my childish shrilling voice ._.
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