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Shubhendra Singh Chauhan for ToolJet

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Build HR Management System using MongoDB and ToolJet (Part 2: Company Calendar)

Company Calendar

To build this application, we will be using one of the amazing features of the ToolJet. We'll use the Clone App option to quickly create a clone of the Dashboard application that we created before. Cloning App will save us a lot of time rebuilding the sidebar and main section.

Go to the ToolJet Dashboard, click on the options button on the app that you want to clone and then click on the Clone App option.


Once the app is cloned, open the editor and remove all the widgets from the main section and remove all the queries that are there. Don't forget to rename the application from HR dashboard to Calendar from the top left of the app editor.

💡Do not forget to connect MongoDB datasource in each of the 4 apps before building the application.


Let's build the UI of the second application which is the Company Calendar.

Build the user interface of the company calendar


We just need to go to the properties of the Dashboard button and Enable it and Disable the Calendar button.

Main section

  • Edit the value of the Text widget from Summary to 🗓️ Company & Employee leave Calendar (Yes you can use emojis inside the text widget)
  • Now drag a container to the left, resize it just enough to place a text widget, and toggle switch widget inside it. Set the value to the text widget to Show Leaves and we will edit the properties of the Toggle switch when we create the queries.


  • Drag a table widget onto the canvas and resize it according to your preference. Set the Date Format as MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:ss A Z , Default date to {{moment().format("MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:ss A Z")}} , and Events field value to {{Array.isArray( ? : []}}


  • Drag a Modal widget somewhere below the calendar widget, and we will use an event handler on the button widget to show the Modal and drags widget to it.


You can also style the button (and all other widgets) from the Styles tab of the widget manager.


  • Once you have triggered the modal from the button click, drag widgets on the modal to build a form like UI. (as shown in the screenshot below)
  • Use text widgets as the label for fields like Event Name and Date, and use Text input and Date picker widgets for user input fields. In the Date picker widget, set the Default Date as {{moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD")}} and date Format as YYYY-MM-DD


  • We will use the button widget in the form to run the query for storing an event in the database but since we haven't built the queries yet, we can add just one event handler on the button for closing the modal. We will be adding two event handlers on this button - one to store the event on the database and the other to close this modal.


Now the user interface of our second application is done, all we need to do now is to build the queries and connect them with the widgets/UI.

Creating and connecting queries to the UI


This query will be used to add new holidays to the database. It will use the data from the fields that are inside the modal.

  • Create a new MongoDB query, select the Operation Insert One and in the Collection field enter company_holidays
  • In the Document field, enter {title: "\"{{components.textinput1.value}}\", start: \"{{moment(components.datepicker1.value).toISOString(true)}}\" } - The title key will get the data from the text input value in the modal and the start key will get the value from the date picker inside the modal but we are also using the moment.js library to convert the date format in ISO string."
  • You can Save the query, and go back to the button inside the modal to add the remaining event handler for storing the event in the database.


We have two types of holidays in our database:

  • Holidays added by the HR in the database or the official holidays
  • Leaves requested by Employees that are approved by the HR

So, by default, we will only display the official holidays on the calendar widget and when the toggle switch is enabled we will display the Official Holiday + Approved Leaves. So, to do this we will build the following queries:

  • companyHolidays - This query will return the documents that are stored in the company_holidays collection that is the official leaves added by HR. There will be an extended JavaScript query convertDateFormat that will convert the dates into the valid format accepted by the calendar widget.
  • fetchApprovedLeaves - This query will return the approved leaves that are those documents that have approved leaves in employees collection. There will be an extended JavaScript query formattedApprovedLeaves that will covert the leaves into the array of objects and assign keys so that it can be a valid format accepted by the calendar widget.
  • mergeData - It's a simple JavaScript code that will be connected to the event handler of the toggle switch so that it combines the returned data of the above two queries.


  • Create a new MongoDB query, select the Find Many Operation from the dropdown options and then enter the Collection name as company_holidays
  • In the Options field, we will use projection { projection: { _id :0 } }
  • Go to the Advanced tab, toggle on the Run query on page load , and hit Save & Run button
  • Next, we will create the JavaScript code query - convertDateFormat



  • Create a new query using JavaScript code as the data source, and paste the following code:
let holidaysData =;
let formattedData = holidaysData.reduce((acc, cv) => {
    acc.push({,start: moment(cv.start).format("MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:ss A Z"), end:moment(cv.start).format("MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:ss A Z")})
    return acc;
}, [])
return formattedData;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Hit Preview to check the output of the code, and then click Save & Run to save and execute the query.
  • Go to the Advanced tab of the companyHolidays query and add the event handler to run the convertDateFormat query for On Success event.



  • Create a new MongoDB query, select the Aggregate operation and enter the Collection name as employees
  • In the Pipeline field, enter [{$match: {"leaves": { "$elemMatch" : { "status":"approved" }}}},{"$project": { "first_name": 1, "email": 1, "leaves": {"$filter": {"input": "$leaves", "as": "leaves", "cond": {"$eq":["$$leaves.status","approved"]}}}}}]
  • Now, go to the Advanced tab and enable the Run query on page load? option
  • Hit the Save & Run button
  • Now we will write the JavaScript code to format the data returned by this query and then add an event handler on this query to run the JS code.



  • Create a new Run JavaScript Code query, and paste the following code into the editor:
var approvedLeavesArray =;
var arrayObjects = approvedLeavesArray.reduce((acc,cv) => {
    return acc.concat(cv.leaves.reduce((accLeave, leave)=> {
                "title": cv["first_name"],
                "email": cv["email"],
                "start":    moment(leave["start_date"]).format("MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:ss A Z"),
                "end":  moment(leave["start_date"]).add(leave["leave_days"], "days").format("MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:ss A Z"),
        return accLeave;
return arrayObjects;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Hit Preview to check the output of the code, and then click Save & Run to save and execute the query.
  • Go to the Advanced tab of the fetchApprovedLeaves query and add the event handler to run the formattedApprovedLeaves query for On Success event.



  • Create a new Run JavaScript Code query, and paste the following code into the editor:
return components.toggleswitch2.value ? :;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Hit Preview to check the output of the code, and then click Save & Run to save and execute the query.


Now, click on the handle of the Toggle switch that we have added, edit its properties and add an Event Handler. Select the On Change Event, Run query Action, and choose the mergeData query.


Now, you'll be able to see all the events in the calendar and you'll be show/hide leaves from the toggle button.

You can now successfully release this version of the application by clicking the Release button on the top right of the app editor.


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