DEV Community

Discussion on: Welcome Thread - v29

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Tony Greeley

Hello hello! Just about to finish a full-stack (MERN) coding bootcamp at Northwestern University in Chicago and starting to look for ways to remain active and connected to the developer community beyond class.

Going into the program, I knew full well I would prefer back-end over front-end as I am much more logic driven than creative, and that has certainly proven to be the case. With that said, will always be looking for resources to continue to refine and polish my front-end skills .

We are currently working on our final projects which I am making what will actially be my best-friends website for his upcoming wedding in Hawaii.

Skills learned so far: version control (with hit and GitHub), deployment with Heroku, HTML, CSS, Bootsrap 4, JavaScript, jQuery, Firebase (database and authentication), Moment.js, node.js, express.js, passport.js (authentication), Handlebars (templates), MySQL, Sequelize ORM, mongoDb, Mongoose ORM, and react.js.

For my project, I am actually also learning/using: TypeScript, Material-UI, Nest.js as an alternative to express, as well as unit testing with jest and enzyme.

I’m so happy to have finally found something not only am I good at, but I love doing!

What I would like to learn next: Vue