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Task queues and schedulers in django

This article has been excerpted from a series of guides crafted for my project, Falco. You can explore the complete set of guides at

Task queues

Task queues are used to offload tasks to a dedicated worker process when the processing of those tasks does not fit into a traditional request-response cycle. In other words, if you need to do something that might take too long to process and whose result does not need to be shown immediately to the user, you use a queue manager.

Think of it as your Django application having an assistant. When a task is too time-consuming to be handled instantly, it's assigned to the assistant for completion, allowing your app to continue functioning normally and serving your clients. Once the assistant completes the task, it returns the result to you.



  1. A user uploads a large excel file to your web application for processing.
  2. The Django app immediately returns a processing... message to avoid blocking.
  3. The Django project adds the task to a broker (redis, rabbitmq, database, etc.), a service used to store tasks that need processing.
  4. Another process, the worker, retrieves the task from the broker and processes it.
  5. The worker process the task.

There is a final optional step not shown in the diagram to avoid clutter. In this step, through some form of callback mechanism, the worker notifies the Django app that it has completed its work and sends back the result. How this callback mechanism works depends on the tool you choose for the
task queue implementation.

Task scheduling

Schedulers are used to periodically execute tasks. They assist in scheduling tasks to run at specific times or intervals. For instance, if you need to send an email to your users every day at 8:00 AM, a scheduler can be used for this purpose. While this can also be achieved using a cron job, which is a common approach, most task queues also provide a scheduler. If task scheduling is all you need, a simple and straightforward option is to use cron jobs in combination with custom django management commands (or job scheduling from django-extensions). The Django management command would contain the code to, for example, send the email to users, and the crontab would execute the command at
the specified schedule.

Popular packages options

There are many options available in the django third-party
, some focus solely on providing a task queue, others are just schedulers and many of them provide both in one package. You can also search for purely python solutions and integrate them into your django project yourself.

I prefer options that do not require additional infrastructure (redis, rabbitmq, etc.) for simple tasks. For instance, solutions that can leverage any existing database setup I have. For more complex tasks, I tend to choose a solution that supports redis as a task broker.

My task queue of choice

My current pick is django-q2. It is a fork of the
original django-q project, which is no longer maintained. Here is an example of using django-q2 to run a task in background:

from django_q.tasks import async_task

def long_running_task(user_id):

def my_view(request):
        task_id = async_task(long_running_task,
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The async_task function returns instantly, as it doesn't directly execute the long_running_task function. Instead, it delegates the function to a worker for execution. To initiate this worker process (which also includes a scheduler), you need to open a new terminal and execute the following command:

python qcluster
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Couldn't get much easier than this, right? :)

Package Repository URL Task Queue Scheduler Requires External Service?
django-q2 Yes Yes No
wakaq Yes Yes Yes
django-pgpubsub Yes No No
rocketry No Yes No
django-dramatiq Yes No Yes
django-rq yes yes yes
procrastinate Yes Yes No
django-chard Yes No No
celery Yes Yes Yes

Auto reload in development

If you are using one of these you might want an automatic reload feature when files changes in dev, you can use the hupper python package for that purpose. It watches for file changes in the current directory and restarts the worker process automatically.

hupper -m django_q.cluster
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Basic django-q2 configuration

Using the database as broker

    "name": "DjangORM",
    "workers": 4,
    "timeout": 90,
    "retry": 120,
    "queue_limit": 50,
    "bulk": 10,
    "orm": "default",
    "catch_up": False,
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Using redis as broker

CACHES = {"default": env.cache("REDIS_URL")}

# This configuration assumes that Redis is configured for caching in a similar way as described above.
    'name': 'DJRedis',
    'workers': 4,
    'timeout': 90,
    'django_redis': 'default'
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Deployment with a task queue

Deploying a Django project that uses a task queue is not as
straightforward, but still relatively simple. At this point, I hope you've understood that running a task queue or task schedulers implies running another process (the worker) in addition to your django server. You can have one process for the task queues and another for the schedulers, but usually, with most packages, you can have both in one process with one command. For example, if you chose django-q2, all you
need to run is:

python qcluster
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This command will enable both the task queue and scheduling
capabilities. If you are running your Django app on a Linux server, the most common option is to have a process manager to run and manage both your Django server and the worker process, or any other processes your Django project needs. The two most popular options are systemd and
supervisord. Systemd is natively available on most Linux distributions, but you need to install Supervisor. In my experience, there are no real advantages of one over the other, so I
would advise just picking one; either will be fine.

Here are some basic configuration examples. Please note that the code provided only concerns the worker process.

Systemd example

Description=Your Django Qcluster Worker

ExecStart=/path/to/your/venv/bin/python qcluster

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Supervisor example

command=/path/to/your/venv/bin/python qcluster
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If you are running your project with Docker, the process is the same.
You need to have another Dockerfile in addition to your main one. This
Dockerfile is practically identical, but with the entry command running
the worker process (e.g., python qcluster) instead of your
Django application server. There is also a simple alternative to run
both the Django process and the worker in a single container. For more
on that, read the guide on running your project in a single

On the other hand, if you are running your project on a platform as a service (PAAS), they usually have a way to declare a worker process. For example, Heroku (and most PAAS that use a Procfile) have a
straightforward way to declare a worker process in the Procfile.

Here is an example of what that looks like with Heroku:

web: gunicorn myproject.wsgi
worker: python qcluster
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The End

In conclusion, this guide aimed to provide enough information for you to
understand and choose a task queue solution for your Django project, and
to grasp its potential impact on your deployment process. For any
questions or feedback, please open a

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