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Tina Huynh
Tina Huynh

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JavaScript Features You Need to Look At

ECMAScript 2022 is right around the corner, but there were many exciting features that were introduced last year:

replaceAll method

const message = "A-message-being-divided";
const processedMessage = message.replaceAll('-', ' ');
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With replaceAll(), you can replace a given character or set of characters in a string with something else. It takes two arguments - the value you want to replace and the value you want to replace it with.


With Promise.any(), you are able to return a promise that resolves as soon as any of the promises passed inside the promise array parameter is fulfilled. If none are, an AggregateError will be thrown.

Logical Assignment Operators

These can help make code shorter and cleaner! There is the OR & Equals (||=) , And & Equals (&&=), and nullish coalescing assignment operator (??=)

Numeric Separators

The separators allow you to add underscores between digits, which makes them more readable.

let n1 = 1_000_000_000;
console.log(n1) // This will print:1000000000
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WeakRef stands for Weak References and allows you o create a weak reference to an object. This is a reference that does not prevent the object from being reclaimed by the garbage collector.


There are always new methods and developments to learn that enhance our code. What are some of your favorite JavaScript features you use the most often? Always love hearing from everyone!

Happy coding!

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Top comments (10)

curiousdev profile image

Thank you, @tmchuynh ! These points are understandable and useful, but do you also know why we would use Weak Ref?

peerreynders profile image
tmchuynh profile image
Tina Huynh

Why is that?

diballesteros profile image
Diego (Relatable Code)

replaceAll definitely simplifies a lot of operations

camco profile image

Wow Great Post!!
I cannot believe I didn't know about promise.any()

tmchuynh profile image
Tina Huynh

Thanks! :D Always learning something new everyday

eve profile image

Thank your share

tmchuynh profile image
Tina Huynh

glad it could be of help to you

tmchuynh profile image
Tina Huynh

Ahhh <3 always learning every day. Thanks for explaining

davidwebdev profile image
David Haz

Nice one! :)