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PHP Array And Objects Streaming Library

Have you ever found yourself in the situation when you need to evaluate and transform some data which is in a list, basically filter-map-reducing it? It's an everyday job! Somehow PHP doesn't have prebuilt Array API like does Javascript or Java, which is a very convenient way to chain your operations, and by the way it should be lazy - which means not traversing your data in every chained function. Instead it would stack your calls and then dump it to terminal operation when it is time.

I mean something like this, and imagine there are millions of traversables there (written in pseudo-js-code):

dataArray // a lot of records from database
    .filter((e) => !!e.subData) // must have "subData"
    .map((e) => e.subData) // extract "subData"
    .filter((sd) => !!sd.user) // must have "user"
    .map((sd) => sd.user) // extract "user"
    .foreach((user) => log('user: ', user)) // collect extracted users
    .map((user) => {
        return {...user, total: * user.days}; 
    }) // add some 'total' to each user
    .groupBy((user) => round( / 1000)) // somehow group users
    .mapAll((user) => // transform all groups
    .reduceAll((sum, total) => sum + total) // sum values in groups
    .collect(); // and finally get the result
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Nice and clear!
However in PHP it is impossible unless you dig the web to find something suitable.

Welcome PHP Stream API - heavily inspired by Java Stream API and enriched by Underscore methods - convenient array mutation and filtering conveyor, that takes the pain of working with traversables in PHP.

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It is not final, but together we can make it the best!

I'll be adding some reasonable stuff while using it in my everyday job if something comes up my mind.


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