Introduction to Python
Python is currently the most popular programming language in the tech world.Ranked among top 5 .
What makes Python Popular ?
For simplicity purpose, I will list some notable features of python that makes it popular:
- Ease of learning
- Open-source
- high-level language
- object-oriented and functional
- Interpreted
- Rich libraries
This can be attributed to its high abstraction level and its application in various fields.Briefly, below a various application of python :
- Data Science
- Automation
- Web development
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Game Development
- Software Development
Self-paced learning curriculum for zero-experienced programmer:
- Tools to get started
- Integrated Development Environment(I.D.E):The purpose of these environment is write and run your code.There are quite a number of I.D.Es , I would highly recommend Visual Studio code.Download it
- Python 3+ :Download python, I will highly recommend you get version 3.6 in consideration to your Operating System
- Github : Github is a version control system that make coding efficient, through collaboration and tracking changes in your code.As a beginner, you need to SignUp on Github.To track changes locally,for absolute beginners,download Github Desktop(Windows Users) or Git BashTo learn more on git commands check out Git cheat sheet
- Syntax – a syntax can be simply be defined as rules that define the structure of a programming language
- Read the PEP 8 Rules: Basically , the document will give you coding conventions for the Python code.I would advise you to keep updated on the rules as the keep on evolving
- Variables – it is a label that you can assign a value to it. And a variable always associates with a value.Example:
welcome = 'Hello, World!' print(welcome)
where message is the variable.While naming your variables , it is important to note the following Rules
- Strings – these are series of characters usually enclosed with single quotes and double quotes.From example below 'Hello ,world!' is a string.Additionally,numbers also can be string as long as they are enclosed in the quotes.
welcome = 'Hello, World!' jant ='1234' print(welcome)
Note: As you learn about strings , there a various string operations that you need to understand.I will list a few:
- Constants – show you how to define constants in Python.
Comments – learn to give short description of what the code does.comments can be classified into:
* Single line comment;written by placing '#' before the line e.g #the line declares a variable
* Multiple line comment: conventionally,Python does not really have a syntax for multi line comments.Although you can opt to use '#' on every line you wish to comment or use tripple-double quotes at the opening and closing of the comment
- Data Types:In python variables can be stored in various forms which in turn can be manipulated differently.
* Numbers: Examples. Integers; 5,-4,99999
Float;7.5,2e10(scientific notation).
complex numbers; 2 + 3j
Boolean;True , false* Strings
* List
* Tuple
* Dictionaries
- Data structures - used to store,organize and managing data efficiently.As a beginner, focus more on the built-in Data Structures. They are the building foundation for User-defined data structures
- Functions:Simply , a function is a collection of organized and reusable code used to perform a task.They make coding easy and fast,and build basics of object oriented programming.In python a function is defined as refer here.Functions can be classified into two:User defined e.g Here or Built-in functions e.g Print()
2.Python Fundamentals
Basically, you should focus on the following:
** capitalize()- returns a string where the first character is upper case.Check out this example Google Collab
** count() - Returns the number of times a specified value occurs in a string. Check Google Collab
** endwith()-Returns true if the string ends with the specified value
** isnumeric() - Returns True if all characters in the string are numeric
** replace() - Returns a string where a specified value is replaced with a specified value
String methods will improve your productivity as you build you embark on the journey to become Python Ninja.As I may not go through all the existing methods Read more
3.Object-oriented programming
Object-oriented programming is aprogramming paradigm that provides a means of structuring programs so that properties and behaviors are bundled into individual objects.Basic,entities are defined as object At this level,you will focus on creating classes and principles of object-oriented programming:Encapsulation, Abstraction,Polymorphism,Inheritance
At this level,you are ready to focus on your niche,as indicated above.As you learn ,always refer to Python Documentationfor detailed understanding
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