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Corbin Crutchley for This is Learning

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Challenges in writing a programming book

Have you ever thought about writing a book about software engineering?

I have. I thought about this idea of a book that would teach you React, Angular, and Vue all at once for years and years.

The idea started as a simple blog post series and, as I learned more about each respective framework, I realized that wouldn't cut it.

Finally something cracked. I had been writing blog posts both professionally and not for a while. I had amassed 50 blog posts in my repertoire and thought "How hard could it be?"

This started my journey to write "The Framework Field Guide", a trilogy of programming books that I'm making free for the general public.

While I've only finished one of the books thus far, I want to share with you my learnings around this time.

Writing a book is hard

It took me a little over two years to:

A landing page with many articles on it covered in programming stickers

  • Write the first book

    • 95K words
    • 16 chapters

  • Create code samples & embeds for every code block in the book

    • 25K lines of code

    A StackBlitz code embed of

  • Do grammar and spelling edits to the book's contents

All while maintaining my day job's duties of leading a software engineering team.

What's more; book sales are rough. While I'm not charging for my content, I've regularly heard from other authors that writing content is challenging to break even with your time spent. Consider your salary, now consider how much time it'd take to do everything I just listed. Are you willing to take home (potentially) a lot less than you might by doing consulting?

Moreover, how are you going to price things? Price too low (like I have) and people tend to devalue your work (even subconsciously). Price too high and your work is inaccessible to many.

All-in-all, you have to:

  • Be willing to write for yourself
  • Stay resilient and know that the outcome will be immensely rewarding

Developers glance, not read

This article is going to lose a lot of readers. Why? Well, during my past five years writing for developers I've learned that the content that has the best engagement has:

  • A shorter in length
  • Content broken up by images
  • Bolded and italicized formatting
  • Lists to break up formatting even further
  • The article filled with code

You generally want your article to more like this:

A well formatted article that includes links, lists, images, and code embeds

And less like this:

A poorly formatted article that only has raw text for a few paragraphs

Notice how boring this screenshot looks? Nobody's reading all of that. Break it up with formatting, images, emoji - anything to spice it up!

Keep your headings clearly named

As I mentioned previously, most developers will only glance at your articles. If your headings aren't representative of what they'll be learning underneath them, they'll likely gloss over their content.

It may be tempting to have fun headings like this:

Table of contents:

Try instead to be more explicit with what's being talked about:

Table of contents:

Code will be copy+pasted

Assume your article or book includes JavaScript code that demonstrates some broken code like so:

const test = = 123;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This might be an obvious error to us, it might not be so clear for a newcomer developer.

Instead of this code block on its own, try to annotate it using comments inside the code block itself:

// This is broken code, remove the second `=` to fix it
const test = = 123;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Lean into copy+pasted code; it's how many developers will learn. Force them to tweak code themselves to see the results they want - it encourages learning and interactivity!

Developers seem to prefer video content

You might ask yourself on your journey if a pre-recorded video content is worthwhile making. While editing can be lengthy and recording can be intimidating, the return on investment (ROI) for video content appears to be higher for developers in my experience.

Compare and contrast a reasonably successful article of mine:

My article on TypeScript type generics got 1756 views

To the meteoric rise of, say, Theo over on YouTube:

A video by Theo has 158K views in 12 days

For what it's worth, I don't recommend investing very heavily in live-streaming on Twitch or YouTube. I've written about this before, but my 1K+ hours on the platform has yielded minimal ROI.


Making content of any kind can be a grueling task. If you choose to write a book about software engineering, you can expect to pour hours and hours into the writing process.

But if you pull it off, you'll have an improved resume, bragging rights, and have likely helped someone along the way learn valuable skills in their career.

There's more to share, which I'll include in a future series, but that's all for now.

And hey, if you wouldn't mind - I'd love you to take a look and share my book, "The Framework Field Guide":

The Framework Field Guide cover

It's free and teaches multiple frameworks at once. Thanks a bunch!

Top comments (7)

usamaa profile image
Osama B.Sassi

First of all, what an easy-to-read and informative article! Writing a book is one of my future goals, though I'm still new to technical writing. So far, I've posted only four articles on since 2023, and on LinkedIn, I share short tips and tricks on the technologies I'm working with. I still have a long road ahead, but I believe I'll get there eventually. Wishing both of us the best of luck and success. Thank you for your article.

crutchcorn profile image
Corbin Crutchley

You got this! Don't hesitate to start writing your book earlier than you think you should - it's one of my few regrets!

Also don't hesitate to drop me a line on my socials if you'd like more help with that process :) DMs are always open

usamaa profile image
Osama B.Sassi • Edited

I will definitely keep that in mind and might come to you for help as I get closer to starting my book. I'm really happy to know that experienced writers like you are open to supporting newcomers. I'll be sure to reach out if I need any guidance, and I'll strive to help new programmers as you do. Currently, I'm learning Vue.js, so I'll definitely read your book and share it with others. Thank you so much for the encouragement and advice 😊

layzee profile image
Lars Gyrup Brink Nielsen

Congratulations on making it this far, @crutchcorn 👏

jangelodev profile image
João Angelo

Hi Corbin Crutchley,
Top, very nice and helpful !
Thanks for sharing.

officialphaqwasi profile image
Isaac Klutse

Impressive article. I'm hoping to find the book more awesome. If it helps I will share it.

crutchcorn profile image
Corbin Crutchley

Thanks a bunch!