DEV Community

Thiago Cardoso
Thiago Cardoso

Posted on

Reminders Box

This is a submission for the Nylas Challenge: AI Expedition.

What I Built

I developed a reminder box application for managing emails that must be written and sent, powered by an interactive AI agent. Its key features include:

  • Create Reminders: Set reminders for emails that need to be sent in the future.
  • Natural Language Interaction: Use conversational commands to manage reminders with the AI agent, supporting CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.
  • Automated Drafts: The AI agent generates useful and relevant email drafts based on your reminders.
  • Seamless Integration: Send emails using the Nylas API and save them in a dedicated app folder for easy access and organization.


Click to watch the demo:
reminders box


The AI agent was created and deployed on Cloudflare Workers AI. The primary model used is @hf/nousresearch/hermes-2-pro-mistral-7b, which supports function calling capabilities. Function calling allows users to utilize Large Language Models (LLMs) to perform specific actions or interact with external APIs based on the model's responses. Developers typically define a collection of functions and the necessary input parameters for each, referred to as tools. The LLM then determines when to invoke these tools and provides a JSON output that needs to be passed to another function or API. In summary, function calling enables you to leverage LLMs for executing code or making additional API requests, extending their functionality beyond mere text generation.

The data is stored in a key-value database (Workers KV) in an entirely unstructured format. Nevertheless the agent has the ability to capture db data and use it in the correct way.

The Agent code:

// CORS config
class CustomResponse extends Response {
  constructor(body) {
    super(body, {headers: {
      "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
      "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "GET, POST, OPTIONS",
      "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Content-Type",
    return this;

export default {
  async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
    const url = new URL(request.url);
    const q = url.searchParams.get("q");
    if (!q) {
      return new CustomResponse();

    const tools = [
        name: "dblist",
        description: "Provides the capability of list data from database.",
        parameters: {
          type: "object",
          properties: {
            none: {
              type: "string",
              description: "None",
        name: "dbsave",
        description: "Provides the capability of save data to database.",
        parameters: {
          type: "object",
          properties: {
            data: {
              type: "string",
              description: "The data to save.",
          required: ["data"],
        name: "dbget",
        description: "Provides the capability of get data by key.",
        parameters: {
          type: "object",
          properties: {
            key: {
              type: "string",
              description: "The key param.",
            username: {
              type: "string",
              description: "The username param.",
          required: ["key", "username"],
        name: "dbdelete",
        description: "Provides the capability of delete data by key.",
        parameters: {
          type: "object",
          properties: {
            key: {
              type: "string",
              description: "The key param.",
          required: ["key"],

    const response = await
        messages: [
          // example requests
          // { role: "user", content: `please save this data to database: 'Person Name: Mary. Relationship Bond: Sister. Email Reason: Birthday message. Date: 2024-08-26T20:10.'` }
          // { role: "user", content: "I want to get data to write a draft message with this key '{key-here}'" }
          // { role: "user", content: "I want to delete e-mail remind with this key '{key-here}'" }
          // { role: "user", content: "list all email reminders from db" }
          { role: "user", content: q },
        tools: tools,

    const ttool = response.tool_calls[0];
    if ( == "dblist") {
      const list = await this.listEmailsToSend(env);
      const regs = [];
      for (let item of list) {
          data: await this.getEmailToSend(env,,
      return new CustomResponse(JSON.stringify(regs));
    } else if ( == "dbsave") {
      const data =;
      await this.saveEmailToSend(env, data);
    } else if ( == "dbget") {
      const { key, username } = ttool.arguments;
      const data = await this.getEmailToSend(env, key);
      const response = await this.writeEmailDraft(env, tools, ttool, data, username);
      return new CustomResponse(
        JSON.stringify({ response, data: { key, value: data } })
    } else if ( == "dbdelete") {
      const key = ttool.arguments.key;
      return new CustomResponse(
        JSON.stringify(await this.deleteByKey(env, key))

    return new CustomResponse();

  async writeEmailDraft(env, tools, ttool, data, username) {
    const { response } = await
        messages: [
            role: 'system',
            content: `
              You are a skilled writer, adept at crafting clear, concise, and effective email responses.
              Your strength lies in your ability to communicate effectively, ensuring that each response
              is tailored to address the specific needs and context of the email.`
            role: "user",
            content: `
              Write an e-mail draft, as if you were me.
              My name is ${username}.
              You can insert emojis.
              Please, fill the fields with the tool retrieved data`,
            role: "assistant",
            content: "",
            role: "tool",
            content: data,
        tools: tools,
    return response;

  async listEmailsToSend(env) {
    const value = await env.MAILS_TO_SEND.list();
    return value.keys;

  async getEmailToSend(env, key) {
    try {
      const value = await env.MAILS_TO_SEND.get(key);
      return value;
    } catch (e) {
      return null;

  async deleteByKey(env, key) {
    return await env.MAILS_TO_SEND.delete(key);

  async saveEmailToSend(env, value) {
    try {
      const date = new Date(value.match(/Date: (.*)./)[1]);
      value = value.replace(/Date:.*/, "");
      await env.MAILS_TO_SEND.put(
    } catch (e) {
      return null;

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Example request:

await fetch(`"please save this data to database: 'Person Name: Mary. Relationship Bond: Sister. Email Reason: Birthday message. Date: 2024-08-26T20:10."`);

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The frontend is built with Vite and Vue.js, while the backend, which interfaces with the Nylas API, uses Express.js. For more detailed information, you can explore the project here:

Your Journey

I had never used the Nylas SDK before, so I found the biggest challenge to be connecting to Auth and linking to an email provider using the SDK. The official Node.js documentation was very helpful:

Most importantly, I had never created an AI agent application before. However, Cloudflare Workers AI offers a wealth of resources for learning and experimentation.

Thanks for the opportunity!

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