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Working of Web and DNS - Day 1/?

The way I finished my last blog was sad, I was so damn tired but I wanted to finish the publishing website part, but couldn't yet still manage to skim through it and complete it. But today will be going through that again and reading more carefully

Day 1: Publishing of website and How does web works and Beyond

  • Web hosting is rented file space on a hosting company's web server. The web server provides website content to website visitors. You can rent your domain name for as many years as you want from a domain registrar.
  • For beginners I would say, GitHub pages does the magic for basic ones and even React projects if I am not wrong. Still need to investigate backend capabilities on GitHub pages

How the web works

  • Basic working of client(you or any user on browser) and server Image description
  • Basic steps needed:

    • Your internet connection
    • TCP/IP
    • DNS
    • HTTP
    • Component files
      • Code files
      • Assets
  • Working of the web

  • HTML is parsed from the response from the server and it tries to fetch any <link> for CSS and <script> for JS files and paints the screen. For clearer understanding read from this link

  • Real web addresses aren't the nice, memorable strings you type into your address bar to find your favourite websites. They are special numbers that look like this: This is called an IP address.

  • DNS: Domain Name System. A fun website for DNS

NOTE: No coding was done, today was more like a reading day.
Have a good day, or night! :)

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