let me = “RayhanADev”;
async function query(website) {
let info = await fetch(website, {
method: “POST”,
headers: { “Content-Type”: “Hai!”},
body: JSON.stringify(“Gimme Data”)
}.then(res => res.json())
return info;
function introduce(username) {
console.log(“Hi, there”);
console.log(`Name’s ${username}`);
let data = await query(“https://totallyrealwebsite.lol”);
console.log(`I’m ${data.age} years old, and live in ${data.country} specifically ${data.city}, ${data.state}.`)
console.log(‘Also, I know LOLCODE!’)
Okay in all seriousness, hiya! Name’s Ray I live around Dallas, Texas and am a freshman attending high school! I have an interest in coding, and especially love Frontend but am also experimenting with Backend! Until the next time, peace!
import devto
import brain
for i in devto.feed():
if(i.author.name == "RayhanADev"):
user = brain.search("RayhanADev")
i.reply(f"""Hello {user.name},
I remember you from {user.platform.mutual()[0]}.
Have Fun with {user.projects[-1]}""")
Woah, hello RayhanADev... I think I know you from somewhere.... oh yes repl.it.
Can't wait to see what you make on dev.to (I just joined today myself)
You just don't see it yet. When you get older and you tell people that you loved coding as a kid they will be impressed. Not to mention the kind of experience you have just from teaching yourself from such a young age.
But I feel like everyone does coding now days(including kids). I used to be happy thinking I was rare but look at repl.it. Most all of us are under 18(other than mods). I do think it is very good learning coding from a young age though(cause I absolutely love it).
I am a mom of three little ones. I have been learning Frontend since right after my first child was born. In my spare time, I learn and practice web development as much as I can. I can't wait to get my first real job in Frontend development.
Welcome, Lauren to the Dev Community. Being a mother is a really tough job. Thumbs up for your courage to learn new things. Hope you and the kids are doing well. Love from India
Hello, I'm new here. I'm 24, from Nigeria. I just started out learning web development and I'm currently on the front end working with html, Css and javascript. My goal is to become a full-stack developer
Hi! I am Holly. I have been here for a few days so I guess I should introduce myself. I am currently learning C#. Once my spring semester starts I will be adding Java to the mix. I am a career changer in progress after spending a lot of years in the dental field.
Hi guys and gals,
My name is Katelynn Tenbrook and I have a passion for technology and what can be improved with it. I have been developing my coding skills for 2 years now. I'm proud to say that I know ASP. Net, C#, SQL, JavaScript and much more. I am currently developing my skills in the MERN stack and I'm super excited to start writing some articles centered around technology. I hope you drop me a follow :). Fun fact about me, my favorite food is tacos.
Hello guys!
My name is Alex, I'm from Campinas-SP-Brazil. I'm acting with IT for more than 5 years. I hope to learn a lot here and to contribute too. I'm like to write articles about technologies, architecture and C# development specifically. And in out of time, I'm like to see soccer and play it too.
Hola comunidad, entrando al desarrollo web, primeros pasos, html,css, python, js entre otros lenguajes. saludos cordiales! desde Buenos Aires Argentina.
Hello community, entering web development, first steps, html, css, python, js among other languages. best regards! from Buenos Aires Argentina.
I'm Kyle - hacker, software engineer, and most recently, co-founder of a SaaS startup that sends real-time application error notifications to code owners (shameless plug: codelighthouse.io).
I'm a big fan of Python, Node.js, and Golang, but have experience in frontend dev too. I love building with Linux and cloud technologies, especially serverless.
I'm looking forward to learning with y'all and contributing to tech discussions!
I'm Arvin, a 19 years old student, studying BS in Information Technology at Philippines.
I love learning and mostly passionate when I am highly motivated and productive.
I'm interested in Full-Stack Development, AI, Machine Learning and more. I may not know how, but I am interested learning about it.
With all that said, I am new to this community, I don't know much about it, but I am looking forward to know a lot of people and learn from them too. 😄
I'm Avinesh from India. I have 1 year of experience in IT. Recently I was introduced to someone on LinkedIn and this guy has started a web development course on Youtube. I started following it and I was encouraged to be a part of a community which helps you learn and grow. So here I am. I would be writing a couple of blogs on my understanding of a JavaScript book.
I am Riccardo 30yo from Munich, Germany. I have been professionally working on the business side in few tech startup, this year I have joined Le Wagon bootcamp and I have learned how to code.
In the past months, I have launched my startup project which is targeting the digital talents - people that spend many hours in front of the computer. For this reason I am about to launch a new eyewear brand called ÒCIO eyewear - @ocio.eyewear on Instagram. These glasses are all that you need: (a) high quality eco friendly materials, (b) blue light blocking glasses and (c) have a magnetic sunglass clip-on :)
Looking forward to learn and contribute on interesting tech discussions.
Hi everyone, my name is Anthony, I've always been interested in computers\ programming. A couple of years ago my business was hacked and I. Could not get help from anyone. I mean no one so for the last two years I have been learning as much as I can on my own but I am at the point where I need to learn from others and hope to do so here. Nice meeting you guys in advance
I'm a Father and a Developer, I love to learn new thing's im from the Netherlands and 27 years old i'm making software far over 5 years now still learning day by day.
Be save and I wish you all a good health and a happy 2021 !
I am a Full stack .NET Developer, I like to work with C#, Asp.Net Core, SQL, Mongo DB, Azure, JavaScript...
Always eager to learn new technologies. I am here to share, ask & eventually learn.
Hi, I am whippingdot, a kid who likes coding and who wants to learn Nodejs, JS, and CSS. I know C++, Python, and HTML.
#include <iostream>
usingstd::string;usingstd::cout;usingstd::cin;intmain(){intage=null;stringhobby="coding";stringpassTime="look around on the web.";stringmostTime="studying my school work";stringpersonName="RayhanADev";stringwebsiteName="repl.it";stringreply="";cout<<"Hi everyone, I am "<<age<<" years old.\nI like doing "<<hobby<<" and to pass time I "<<passTime<<"\nMost of the time I am "<<mostTime<<" but I do spend 2 hrs coding per day.\nI also search the web for random things.\nThis is definitely not a copy of "<<personName<<"'s post.\nI hope I find some cool things in this website.\nMost of the time I am on "<<websiteName<<" looking for good shared posts/games.\nWhat do you do most of the time: \n>> ";cin>>reply;cout<<"Oh, cool, even I like doing "<<reply<<" but not majorly.\n";}
Follow my GitHub here and see my repl account here. I am currently making the biggest project I have ever made, though I think it is only going to be 300 lines. C ya later, bye.
I'm a web developer based in Italy. I use Laravel, PHP and Javascript. My favourite editor is VSCode. Beside programming i like gym, books, star wars and football
hi to all! i'm Vincenzo, i'm 38 and i'm a developer from italy. i work withi php and javascript. i was using Kohana framework becouse my agency asket it to me, now i'm switching in laravel. i read dev articles from month, i love them, so i decide to sign in
I'm a web developer based in Italy. I use Laravel, PHP and Javascript. My favourite editor is VSCode. Beside programming i like gym, books, star wars and football
Hi there, my name is Akshaj. I'm a 15 year old front end developer and I am learning back-end developing. Currently I am having knowledge of HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. I am thinking to learn python and Java. I live in India and aims to join Google. And I will achieve it.😤
👋 Hey there!
I'm a community-driven software engineer, and I love diving into the world of cloud-native development and exploring the endless possibilities of open-source technologies.
I'm Pratik, a software engineer working on open source projects for 2 years now and that could sum up my total job experience.
I like Golang, Linux, Python, Kubernetes, Football and I'm from India so spicy food (by default)😉.
I want to start tech blogging. The main reason is I want to reinforce my learning and become a better techie. The best way to do this is by teaching and sharing. If someone can help me to get started in blogging that would be great.
Hi, my name is Daniel. Based in Paris. I am a full-stack developer, I mainly work for web and mobile. Freelance Remote. Love to play music with FL Studio
Hello everyone,
I’m José, born and raised in Mexico, a 18 years old system engineering student , I’ve been coding since 2018, and nowadays I’m interested in learning about web development (full-stack).
I am a professional DevOps Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the internet industry. I am an avid Linux lover and supporter of the open-source movement philosophy.
Lemme introduce myself. My name is Affandy Murad but you can call me Fandy. Currently working as iOS Developer at Otten Coffee, a Coffee online marketplace in Indonesia.
I'm working as mobile developer since 2016. My first experience as Android developer with Java language for 2 years, then carry on with Kotlin for 2 years, then become iOS developer using Swift until right now.
I look for new friends from another country to exchange our story and knowledge, either programming or culture. Nice to know you all!
hi guys,
I'm having issues installing SocialFish on my termux android followed the steps but the main software interface won't pop up.... having the error code that I haven't installed the necessary software to make it run
Hello world
I'm Stephen Mclin, a 17 year old tech enthusiast. I like everything about tech from programming to digital art. I currently have been more interested in web development and I'm on my journey to learn technologies like PHP, JavaScript and other web development frameworks.
I think it's gonna be fun working and learning with you guys 👍
I'm Goodnews Daniel from the United Kingdom. I love technology, though I started a bit late as I switched my career from Law to Software Engineering. So I'm here to learn how to develop web/mobile apps and hopefully connect with mentors and potential partners.
Hello everyone!
I'm an 18 year old from Bucharest, Romania! I have been developing all kinds of software for about 4 years. I'm trying to improve my skills and add to my knowledge.
Hey there,
I'm Oladipo Glory, an upcoming web designer/ developer. I am 20 years old, I just started learning not quite long and it's been interesting.
Anyways I am a student and I can't wait to get more than enough from you guys.
Hello There, Dev Community it's Frey Here. I Works on opensource projects if you have to work with me i'm free as For Now ! i know python[adv] xD. Good At making Robots ! reason :- so i can chat with some on, and i have a feeling that i will do something here to ..
Hello, Hello )
Ok, let's start )
I'm Stanislav and I'm too old for this sh..[ups]. Ok, I'm 40 years old technical doc-as-code writer (DocOps) from bear-country [joke )]. It's Moscow, Russia.
I like strange things like css, asciidoc, antora and code. I rly hate the Word (hate hate).
Now I'm studying CI/CD process.
So, hug me, kiss me and let me to join to your friendly company.
I am a performance-based cross-functional digital marketer with a focus on digital marketing strategy, content development, and search engine optimization.
include c:\masm32\include\masm32rt.inc
dbHello db "Hello World!",0
print offset dbHello
push 0
call ExitProcess
END start
Hi everyone,
I'm Marco, 30 years old from Italy. I'm working as a backend software developer, but in my free time I love doing low-level things.
My last project is called MCA (Machine Code Analyzer), a x86/x64 machine code decoder. It is useful to get instructions' length and identify each of its fields (you can find more on my GitHub - MCA.
Thank you everyone, have a nice day and stay safe! ;)
My name is Kai, I'm an indie maker and web developer from Germany. I completed my studies with a Master of Science (Business Informatics) and just started blogging about web development and business-related stuff (kais.blog).
I'll try to regularly share my web development experience with you. Also, I hope you'll find it interesting to learn more about my life as an indie maker and some of my questionable life choices. 😏
Thank you everyone! Let's have a good time!
PS: I've just published my first (real) blog post. Until now I have only created a little tutorial series for this year's Advent of Code.
Hello! My name is Matthew S. Emerson.
I'm a Chemistry Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Iowa in the United States.
It seems I have a pretty different background than most that I've read on this board, but I'm excited to listen, learn, and share!
My professional career started by in my undergrad in 2016, when I performed high energy x-ray scattering experiments at Argonne National Lab (ANL), which led me toward my current work.
My current work is in a large collaborative group for the US. Department of Energy (DOE) called Molten Salts in Extreme Environments (MSEE) which is hosted by Brookhaven National Lab (BNL). This group aims to understand fundamental properties of molten salts in a nuclear reactor that replaces the coolant water with a molten salt, and the solid uranium fuel with a molten salt fuel mixture that would have dissolved uranium in it at high temperature, but low pressure.
The last 3 years of grad school, I've been performing simulations of molten chloride salts (NaCl, MgCl2, etc.) and ionic liquids (salts that are liquid around room temperature to 100C).
In the last 5 years, i've written multiple high performance codes using MPI and CUDA parallelization in C++.
I am also fluent in F90, F77, Bash, Python (I <3 Signac), and am less than natively fluent in Java.
I try to study every aspect of building, designing, and coding computers, and I look forward to keep on learning in this new community and make new friends. I'm happy to share anything i know (that i am allowed to share) in the process.
Hi all, I am very glad to join you. Always wanted and now finally made it. Will be working hopefully a lot with #dotnet and #csharp and will be asking the one or the other question. Thank you very much in advance for the support!
I am Prajakta from India.
I am a Software Engineer(.Net) in IT industry from last 5years
I joined Dev to contribute my knowledge as well as to learn new things So, here I am excited to Explore!!
I'm Mohan, a 35 year old QA Engineer from US. I have been QA my whole life until now and looking to transition to development.
I've come across this website as I read a blog that explains the pitfalls of changing the roles and strategy to follow to avoid them. I've immediately created an account on DEV as it seems to have lot of authors and blogs that could help in my journey. Looking forward to share my experiences as I go...
console.log(`Hello guys, I'm ${name}, a 19 old student currenting pursing B.Tech in computer engineering. I got skills in ${skills} and my passion is in ${passion}`);
Hello guys, I'm Ishan Joshi, a 19 old student currenting pursing B.Tech in computer engineering. I got skills in MERN and MEAN stack development and my passion is in software development.```
Hi! I'm Laura, 24 years old. Full stack engineer focusing on privacy/security. I graduated from university in 2018 and have been working at my company ever since. I am also involved in improving equity in computer science / stem fields. I would love to start my own company one day that involves mental/physical fitness and technology
I'm looking to keep up with new technologies as time moves on and connect with a development community! Drop a hello!
I am from France and I want to improve my skills in fullstack dev. I am using actually python and html/css for data science but I aim to understand logics behind each language. I am like a sponge who wants to accumulate more knowledge instead of water. 😉
My name is Mutholib Yusira, I am from Nigeria. I’m a beginner in web development and I am learning to be a front end web developer. I am a medical student who loves to code.
Hi everyone,
I'm Will, I'm from San Francisco. I cofounded Hetchr- a platform that gives dev teams a live view of their production status. I've been coding for about a year now and have been blessed to have teammates that are way better developers than I am!
Hi there !
I'm Mohamed from Algeria, I'm an inspiring front-end dev, currently I'm digging deeper in HTML & CSS before jumping into JavaScript.
I look forward to learning new things and level up. Thank you people !
Hello everyone, I have been reading articles here since the start of this year and I am glad to finally join dev.to in order to learn and to contribute the little I know to the community ☺️✨. I am currently learning JS by the way.
Hi. I am ismail from Offa, Nigeria. I have keen interest in software development. Started learning some two months ago and it's really fascinating. I hope I meet people here that could help me get better with coding. I have learnt HTML, CSS and just started python. My ultimate goal is to be a full stack developer and to impact other Nigerians using code!
Hello everyone! Im Kquani from Indianapolis, IN. Im a novice to the field of tech! Previously I worked the Special Education field working with children who have autism. Im currently learning JavaScript and it is definitely a learning curve!
Hello guys, my name is Valeria, I'm 24 and I'm a half-italian half-polish girl currently living in Luxembourg. I'm a finance and accounting graduate but I've always been creating stuff, and recently realized that being an accountant doesn't cut it for me, and I want to take a shot at building my own business. I've always been into tech, and I have some experience with front-end development and WordPress. I decided to take up coding to be able to develop some of my projects :) I am learning JavaScript, Node.js, React and SQL at the moment, but I'm looking forward to also learn Phyton and C#.
I joined to be part of the community, learn from others and get inspired :)
Hi everyone!
I am Prakhar Sharan, a 22-year old undergraduate from India who has an experience of working with NodeJS, Android apps in Kotlin and Java. I aim to command MVVM architecture here through you fellow devs. 😄
Hello! I'm a teen programmer with a passion for web development. Currently I mostly program in HTML, CSS and JS (some node but mostly frontend). I also know basic Python and PHP, Unity C#. I'm very excited to continue learning more!
Always eager to learn. CSE student, looking to enhance my coding skills. I like this community as I've found quite a lot of useful information which have helped me get better at what I love to do! :D
Hey guys,
I'm Adriano, a CSE student from India. I've found this community really helpful, with the legitimate links that are posted here and the awesome posts, which have helped me quite a lot. I have a DBMS-mini project due in about 3 weeks time, and I have never developed a backend database and a frontend web UI, I hope I can pick up a lot of info and do well with the help of this community.
I am Arush, a 14-year-old aspiring web developer. I hope to work for some tech giant someday. I have been learning web development for around 5-6 months now. Hoping to start React.js soon!
Can't wait to see what this amazing community has in store for me! :D
Hi, guys,
I'm Henrique, a 23 years old Backend Engineer from Blumenau, Brazil who has been developing software for 5 years.
I'm an architecture and backend enthusiast, mostly familiar with Java.
I look forward to keep on learning and keeping up with the changes in the tech world with you guys!
Heyyy 👋 , glad to have you aboard!
hai sir
Hello Henrique, I just joined the dev.to community! And came here to say Hi and hope we're gonna learn from each other.
Hi :D 👋
bem vindo ao grupo meu amigo.
É tudo meu portugues 😄
Okay in all seriousness, hiya! Name’s Ray I live around Dallas, Texas and am a freshman attending high school! I have an interest in coding, and especially love Frontend but am also experimenting with Backend! Until the next time, peace!
PS: I love Furrets!
Woah, hello RayhanADev... I think I know you from somewhere.... oh yes repl.it.
Can't wait to see what you make on dev.to (I just joined today myself)
Have fun with your repl api package! :D
LMAO I'm dead when seeing
import brain
The places I could've been if I started coding in high school... Keep it up!
there's not much. no one takes you seriously when your in highschool and loves coding. it's very hard to get anything done with school and coding.
You just don't see it yet. When you get older and you tell people that you loved coding as a kid they will be impressed. Not to mention the kind of experience you have just from teaching yourself from such a young age.
But I feel like everyone does coding now days(including kids). I used to be happy thinking I was rare but look at repl.it. Most all of us are under 18(other than mods). I do think it is very good learning coding from a young age though(cause I absolutely love it).
Hey, a fellow Dallas dev - welcome!
Super creative - ❤️ it!
Sort of sad that totallyrealwebsite.lol doesn't exist yet...
Welcome! 😁
Hoi Rayhan. Long time no talk. Join the org on GitHub. Go here. It seems like the whole repl community is here. I just joined myself.
Wait a sec this looks wrong, i created the org 🤦♂️🤦♂️
Ray! I didn't know you were on dev.to!! Nice to see you here
Hi, I joined today cause of Coder100's post. The whole repl community seems to be here.
I am a mom of three little ones. I have been learning Frontend since right after my first child was born. In my spare time, I learn and practice web development as much as I can. I can't wait to get my first real job in Frontend development.
Welcome, Lauren to the Dev Community. Being a mother is a really tough job. Thumbs up for your courage to learn new things. Hope you and the kids are doing well. Love from India
That's great that you have so many kids!
I have three kids, too. I have three sons.
I love Java.
Hello, I'm new here. I'm 24, from Nigeria. I just started out learning web development and I'm currently on the front end working with html, Css and javascript. My goal is to become a full-stack developer
Welcome Sulaiman 👋
How can you delete all series that you previously created but you don't need them anymore?
My OCD keeps screaming on that badge.
Hi! I am Holly. I have been here for a few days so I guess I should introduce myself. I am currently learning C#. Once my spring semester starts I will be adding Java to the mix. I am a career changer in progress after spending a lot of years in the dental field.
Hi guys and gals,
My name is Katelynn Tenbrook and I have a passion for technology and what can be improved with it. I have been developing my coding skills for 2 years now. I'm proud to say that I know ASP. Net, C#, SQL, JavaScript and much more. I am currently developing my skills in the MERN stack and I'm super excited to start writing some articles centered around technology. I hope you drop me a follow :). Fun fact about me, my favorite food is tacos.
Hello guys!
My name is Alex, I'm from Campinas-SP-Brazil. I'm acting with IT for more than 5 years. I hope to learn a lot here and to contribute too. I'm like to write articles about technologies, architecture and C# development specifically. And in out of time, I'm like to see soccer and play it too.
Hola comunidad, entrando al desarrollo web, primeros pasos, html,css, python, js entre otros lenguajes. saludos cordiales! desde Buenos Aires Argentina.
Hello community, entering web development, first steps, html, css, python, js among other languages. best regards! from Buenos Aires Argentina.
Hi everyone!
I'm Kyle - hacker, software engineer, and most recently, co-founder of a SaaS startup that sends real-time application error notifications to code owners (shameless plug: codelighthouse.io).
I'm a big fan of Python, Node.js, and Golang, but have experience in frontend dev too. I love building with Linux and cloud technologies, especially serverless.
I'm looking forward to learning with y'all and contributing to tech discussions!
Hello all,
I'm Bhavik, 20 years old backend engineer from Ahmedabad, India who is final year student in B.E.
I have designed & managed my college website and participated in 4 hackathons (1-winner). I have worked with PHP, Java, Node.js in my academic career.
Currently I am learning
and looking forward to get knowledge and trends with this community.Hello guys!
I'm Arvin, a 19 years old student, studying BS in Information Technology at Philippines.
I love learning and mostly passionate when I am highly motivated and productive.
I'm interested in Full-Stack Development, AI, Machine Learning and more. I may not know how, but I am interested learning about it.
With all that said, I am new to this community, I don't know much about it, but I am looking forward to know a lot of people and learn from them too. 😄
Hi all,
I'm Avinesh from India. I have 1 year of experience in IT. Recently I was introduced to someone on LinkedIn and this guy has started a web development course on Youtube. I started following it and I was encouraged to be a part of a community which helps you learn and grow. So here I am. I would be writing a couple of blogs on my understanding of a JavaScript book.
Looking forward to join you all in this journey.
Hi everyone,
I am Riccardo 30yo from Munich, Germany. I have been professionally working on the business side in few tech startup, this year I have joined Le Wagon bootcamp and I have learned how to code.
In the past months, I have launched my startup project which is targeting the digital talents - people that spend many hours in front of the computer. For this reason I am about to launch a new eyewear brand called ÒCIO eyewear - @ocio.eyewear on Instagram. These glasses are all that you need: (a) high quality eco friendly materials, (b) blue light blocking glasses and (c) have a magnetic sunglass clip-on :)
Looking forward to learn and contribute on interesting tech discussions.
Hi everyone, my name is Anthony, I've always been interested in computers\ programming. A couple of years ago my business was hacked and I. Could not get help from anyone. I mean no one so for the last two years I have been learning as much as I can on my own but I am at the point where I need to learn from others and hope to do so here. Nice meeting you guys in advance
Hi Anthony, welcome! I'm a big fan of cybersecurity too (Just earned my OSCP cert). I'd love to chat about it if you need help!
Hi there, I'm Nick - aka RedbeardJunior
I'm a Father and a Developer, I love to learn new thing's im from the Netherlands and 27 years old i'm making software far over 5 years now still learning day by day.
Be save and I wish you all a good health and a happy 2021 !
Hi Nick, Welcome to Dev Community. Hope this community will help you to learn more day by day 😄.
Have a great day.
Hi, I am whippingdot, a kid who likes coding and who wants to learn Nodejs, JS, and CSS. I know C++, Python, and HTML.
Follow my GitHub here and see my repl account here. I am currently making the biggest project I have ever made, though I think it is only going to be 300 lines. C ya later, bye.
hi to all! i'm Vincenzo, i'm 38 and i'm a developer from italy. i work withi php and javascript. i was using Kohana framework becouse my agency asket it to me, now i'm switching in laravel. i read dev articles from month, i love them, so i decide to sign in
Hi Vincenzo 😃 Welcome to DEV.
thanks :)
Hi there, my name is Akshaj. I'm a 15 year old front end developer and I am learning back-end developing. Currently I am having knowledge of HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. I am thinking to learn python and Java. I live in India and aims to join Google. And I will achieve it.😤
Welcome! It's nice to see someone so young! 👏
Thank you🤗
Hi 🙏 everyone,
I'm Pratik, a software engineer working on open source projects for 2 years now and that could sum up my total job experience.
I like Golang, Linux, Python, Kubernetes, Football and I'm from India so spicy food (by default)😉.
I want to start tech blogging. The main reason is I want to reinforce my learning and become a better techie. The best way to do this is by teaching and sharing. If someone can help me to get started in blogging that would be great.
Let's learn and evolve together.
Hi everyone,
My name is Daniel, I am 25 years old and I live in Paris.
I am a full-stack freelance developer and I mainly develop on React, React Native, TypeScript, Node.js, GraphQl.
I am very passionate about music. Outside of my dev time I compose with FL Studio. I have fun creating trap, edm, raggaeton and other genres
Hello everyone,
I’m José, born and raised in Mexico, a 18 years old system engineering student , I’ve been coding since 2018, and nowadays I’m interested in learning about web development (full-stack).
Hi there José 👋 welcome to the DEV community!
Dear All,
Lemme introduce myself. My name is Affandy Murad but you can call me Fandy. Currently working as iOS Developer at Otten Coffee, a Coffee online marketplace in Indonesia.
I'm working as mobile developer since 2016. My first experience as Android developer with Java language for 2 years, then carry on with Kotlin for 2 years, then become iOS developer using Swift until right now.
I look for new friends from another country to exchange our story and knowledge, either programming or culture. Nice to know you all!
hi guys,
I'm having issues installing SocialFish on my termux android followed the steps but the main software interface won't pop up.... having the error code that I haven't installed the necessary software to make it run
Hello world
I'm Stephen Mclin, a 17 year old tech enthusiast. I like everything about tech from programming to digital art. I currently have been more interested in web development and I'm on my journey to learn technologies like PHP, JavaScript and other web development frameworks.
I think it's gonna be fun working and learning with you guys 👍
Hey Stephen, love your enthusiasm! 🤩
Hello everyone, this is my first day in this community. Java developer from Greece.
Hi Everyone!
I'm Goodnews Daniel from the United Kingdom. I love technology, though I started a bit late as I switched my career from Law to Software Engineering. So I'm here to learn how to develop web/mobile apps and hopefully connect with mentors and potential partners.
Hi everyone,
I'm Tomas, a software developer, originally from the Czech Republic, currently living in Germany.
I'm keen on software architecture and programming, especially Domain-Driven Design and OOP.
I'm happy to meet such a great community here. I will try to contribute a bit as well!
You can catch me on Twitter twitter.com/tomas_tulka
Keep on learning!
Hello everyone!
I'm an 18 year old from Bucharest, Romania! I have been developing all kinds of software for about 4 years. I'm trying to improve my skills and add to my knowledge.
I look forward to chat with you all.
Hey there,
I'm Oladipo Glory, an upcoming web designer/ developer. I am 20 years old, I just started learning not quite long and it's been interesting.
Anyways I am a student and I can't wait to get more than enough from you guys.
Hello There, Dev Community it's Frey Here. I Works on opensource projects if you have to work with me i'm free as For Now ! i know python[adv] xD. Good At making Robots ! reason :- so i can chat with some on, and i have a feeling that i will do something here to ..
Hello, Hello )
Ok, let's start )
I'm Stanislav and I'm too old for this sh..[ups]. Ok, I'm 40 years old technical doc-as-code writer (DocOps) from bear-country [joke )]. It's Moscow, Russia.
I like strange things like css, asciidoc, antora and code. I rly hate the Word (hate hate).
Now I'm studying CI/CD process.
So, hug me, kiss me and let me to join to your friendly company.
Hi All,
My name is Salman Siddique, I am a Computer Science graduate and working as Tech Content Marketer at Cloudways.
I am married to Marketing and Tech is my BFF. I am a constant learner, currently polishing my PHP skills and getting into headless CMSs.
Hoping to learn and contribute a ton to dev.to the community. Cheers! <3
Hi everyone,
I'm Marco, 30 years old from Italy. I'm working as a backend software developer, but in my free time I love doing low-level things.
My last project is called MCA (Machine Code Analyzer), a x86/x64 machine code decoder. It is useful to get instructions' length and identify each of its fields (you can find more on my GitHub - MCA.
Thank you everyone, have a nice day and stay safe! ;)
Hey everyone 👋!
My name is Kai, I'm an indie maker and web developer from Germany. I completed my studies with a Master of Science (Business Informatics) and just started blogging about web development and business-related stuff (kais.blog).
I'll try to regularly share my web development experience with you. Also, I hope you'll find it interesting to learn more about my life as an indie maker and some of my questionable life choices. 😏
Thank you everyone! Let's have a good time!
PS: I've just published my first (real) blog post. Until now I have only created a little tutorial series for this year's Advent of Code.
14 Awesome JavaScript Array Tips You Should Know About
Kai ・ Dec 9 ・ 8 min read
Hello! My name is Matthew S. Emerson.
I'm a Chemistry Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Iowa in the United States.
It seems I have a pretty different background than most that I've read on this board, but I'm excited to listen, learn, and share!
My professional career started by in my undergrad in 2016, when I performed high energy x-ray scattering experiments at Argonne National Lab (ANL), which led me toward my current work.
My current work is in a large collaborative group for the US. Department of Energy (DOE) called Molten Salts in Extreme Environments (MSEE) which is hosted by Brookhaven National Lab (BNL). This group aims to understand fundamental properties of molten salts in a nuclear reactor that replaces the coolant water with a molten salt, and the solid uranium fuel with a molten salt fuel mixture that would have dissolved uranium in it at high temperature, but low pressure.
The last 3 years of grad school, I've been performing simulations of molten chloride salts (NaCl, MgCl2, etc.) and ionic liquids (salts that are liquid around room temperature to 100C).
In the last 5 years, i've written multiple high performance codes using MPI and CUDA parallelization in C++.
I am also fluent in F90, F77, Bash, Python (I <3 Signac), and am less than natively fluent in Java.
I try to study every aspect of building, designing, and coding computers, and I look forward to keep on learning in this new community and make new friends. I'm happy to share anything i know (that i am allowed to share) in the process.
Hi all, I am very glad to join you. Always wanted and now finally made it. Will be working hopefully a lot with #dotnet and #csharp and will be asking the one or the other question. Thank you very much in advance for the support!
Hi Devs,
I am Prajakta from India.
I am a Software Engineer(.Net) in IT industry from last 5years
I joined Dev to contribute my knowledge as well as to learn new things So, here I am excited to Explore!!
Hi! Nice to meet you. :)
Hello everyone!
I'm Iván, 23 years old from Argentina, and I'm really into the Javascript/Typescript world.
I love to code in React, React Native, and NodeJS.
Still have to find a job doing this, but I'm staying hopeful that an opportunity will arise.
Looking forward to reading and writing lots of posts here! Have a nice one!
Hello Folks,
I'm Mohan, a 35 year old QA Engineer from US. I have been QA my whole life until now and looking to transition to development.
I've come across this website as I read a blog that explains the pitfalls of changing the roles and strategy to follow to avoid them. I've immediately created an account on DEV as it seems to have lot of authors and blogs that could help in my journey. Looking forward to share my experiences as I go...
import {name, skills, passion} from './myself';
Hi! I'm Laura, 24 years old. Full stack engineer focusing on privacy/security. I graduated from university in 2018 and have been working at my company ever since. I am also involved in improving equity in computer science / stem fields. I would love to start my own company one day that involves mental/physical fitness and technology
I'm looking to keep up with new technologies as time moves on and connect with a development community! Drop a
!Hello everyone,
I am from France and I want to improve my skills in fullstack dev. I am using actually python and html/css for data science but I aim to understand logics behind each language. I am like a sponge who wants to accumulate more knowledge instead of water. 😉
Hi , Everyone ,
I am Neeraj , a 20 years old engineering student at NIT Patna ,
I am a MERN Stack developer and an Enthusiast of Machine Learning ,
I'm new to blog communities and look forward to explore some new tech and
to keep on learning
Hey guys,
My name is Mutholib Yusira, I am from Nigeria. I’m a beginner in web development and I am learning to be a front end web developer. I am a medical student who loves to code.
This is the link to my first project: codepen.io/yusira/full/jOMmJmE
Kindly let me know what you think about, I really need the feedback.
I am really looking forward to knowing you guys and learning more.
Have a nice day and don’t forget to smile...
I'm xin,so happy to be part of community.
I am currently learn ROR and trying to upscale my skills.
Happy to be here with you all!
Hi everyone,
I'm Will, I'm from San Francisco. I cofounded Hetchr- a platform that gives dev teams a live view of their production status. I've been coding for about a year now and have been blessed to have teammates that are way better developers than I am!
Excited to be here!
Hi everyone,
I'm Will, 23 years old and I'm a Full Stack Developer from England. I've been developing commercially for 5 years.
I mostly develop with C#, .NET, and Docker in the backend. React in the frontend.
So all that's left to say is... Hey 👋
Hi there !
I'm Mohamed from Algeria, I'm an inspiring front-end dev, currently I'm digging deeper in HTML & CSS before jumping into JavaScript.
I look forward to learning new things and level up. Thank you people !
Hello everyone, I have been reading articles here since the start of this year and I am glad to finally join dev.to in order to learn and to contribute the little I know to the community ☺️✨. I am currently learning JS by the way.
Hi. I am ismail from Offa, Nigeria. I have keen interest in software development. Started learning some two months ago and it's really fascinating. I hope I meet people here that could help me get better with coding. I have learnt HTML, CSS and just started python. My ultimate goal is to be a full stack developer and to impact other Nigerians using code!
Hello everyone! Im Kquani from Indianapolis, IN. Im a novice to the field of tech! Previously I worked the Special Education field working with children who have autism. Im currently learning JavaScript and it is definitely a learning curve!
Hello guys, my name is Valeria, I'm 24 and I'm a half-italian half-polish girl currently living in Luxembourg. I'm a finance and accounting graduate but I've always been creating stuff, and recently realized that being an accountant doesn't cut it for me, and I want to take a shot at building my own business. I've always been into tech, and I have some experience with front-end development and WordPress. I decided to take up coding to be able to develop some of my projects :) I am learning JavaScript, Node.js, React and SQL at the moment, but I'm looking forward to also learn Phyton and C#.
I joined to be part of the community, learn from others and get inspired :)
Have a great day y'all! x
Hi everyone!
I am Prakhar Sharan, a 22-year old undergraduate from India who has an experience of working with NodeJS, Android apps in Kotlin and Java. I aim to command MVVM architecture here through you fellow devs. 😄
Hello! I'm a teen programmer with a passion for web development. Currently I mostly program in HTML, CSS and JS (some node but mostly frontend). I also know basic Python and PHP, Unity C#. I'm very excited to continue learning more!
Hey guys,
I'm Adriano, a CSE student from India. I've found this community really helpful, with the legitimate links that are posted here and the awesome posts, which have helped me quite a lot. I have a DBMS-mini project due in about 3 weeks time, and I have never developed a backend database and a frontend web UI, I hope I can pick up a lot of info and do well with the help of this community.
Cheers :D
Hello there!
I am Arush, a 14-year-old aspiring web developer. I hope to work for some tech giant someday. I have been learning web development for around 5-6 months now. Hoping to start React.js soon!
Can't wait to see what this amazing community has in store for me! :D