DEV Community

Building An App I'll Actually Use

Emmy | Pixi on March 19, 2020

It's here, it's here, it's finally here! My final Flatiron project has arrived!! I hope you're ready to be underwhelmed, y'all. This project proc...
machineno15 profile image
Tanvir Shaikh

Great , Almost same Doctors app i am going to start working on from next week , this can be a good start. Can you tell me technologies used here and if i can build a mobile app from it ..?

thanks. ❥❦❧

thecodepixi profile image
Emmy | Pixi

I used React/Redux and Rails for the back-end. If you were to use React Native it could be a mobile app for sure.

machineno15 profile image
Tanvir Shaikh

Thanks. We'll suerly give it a shot.
We are alredy using laravel at backend it's web app.

krishnakakade profile image
krishna kakade

Good job

amaridansface profile image

Good job, great idea!