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Daniel Widgren
Daniel Widgren

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What is Nova?


What is Nova?

One of our goals is that it should be easy to start a web project in Erlang and to maintain and operate it. With that, we have created rebar3_nova, which not only templates modules for you but also bootstraps applications, so you can get something up and running fast.

Nova is a View-Controller right now. We are working on integrating models and databases into it but have yet to do so. As for views, we currently use erlydtl.

Why should I use Nova?

Nova is the solution for rapid application development. Born from the frustrations of repetitive setup tasks in Cowboy, it offers quick application bootstrapping, eliminates code redundancy, and provides clear visibility into your application's flow. With Nova, you'll slash time-to-market, enhance code reusability, and troubleshoot with ease. Streamline your workflow and conquer modern development challenges with Nova.

Pre-requirements for this series

Nova is using Erlang as a language and Rebar3 as a tool to compile. I will use asdf in this tutorial for how to install Erlang and Rebar3, if you want to install them using other ways you can read at Adopting Erlang on how to install them.


Rebar3 is the tool we will use for building our application and creating releases and even documentation. Rebar3 has something called plugins, which is code that helps us with some functionality. We will next article introduce you to rebar3_nova a Rebar3 plugin that makes developing and working with Nova much smoother.


asdf is a version manager system that helps you use the correct tools when developing an application. This is not only for Erlang, it can be used for many areas you can read more about asdf here.

When we bootstrap our application we will get a .tool-versions file that includes Erlang and Rebar3 versions that you can install with asdf.

How to install asdf, you can read here for more details.

git clone ~/.asdf --branch v0.14.0

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This will install the asdf system, and then you will need to add it to your shell, I will show bash but if you are using other shell you can read here.

Bash & Git
Add the following to ~/.bashrc:

. "$HOME/.asdf/"
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Completions must be confgured by adding the following to your .bashrc:

. "$HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash"
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After that asdf is installed we need to add the Rebar plugin to asdf.

asdf plugin-add rebar
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And also the Erlang plugin.

asdf plugin add erlang
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We will need these plugins later when we start Nova.


In the rebar3 nova plugin, we also use enotify.

Depending on your system you will need to install the dependency that is listed below.

Mac fsevent
Linux inotify
Windows inotify-win
NOTE: On Linux, you need to install inotify-tools.

When enotify is installed and working, we can use the rebar3 nova serve command. That will work as rebar3 shell but it will look for files that have been changed and recompile them. It is very nice when you develop, that you don't need to recompile your node each time you want to change something or develop something new.

In this serie

In this serie I will write about how you create a Nova application with a web login that also can include other Nova applications.

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