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Erik Guzman
Erik Guzman

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Stream 11/7/2019 - Adding meta-tags to a Rails Server

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Today's was quiet of roller coaster of a stream. I tried to start the stream with trying out the new docker desktop build that works for WSL2 but needed to upgrade my version of Ubuntu VM. So went on the journey to do the upgrade which was successful after much downloading and installing things. BUT sadly docker for WSL2 didn't work and I might need to do a computer restart to make it work (which I can't do during stream).

Afterward, dove into adding meta-tags to Stream Closed Captioner, which for the most part was fairly straight forward. But later discovered that I was missing some critical meta-tags for being compatible with Twitter so I needed to circle and add the missing tags.

Today Objective

  • [x] What to call today's log
  • [x] Review last streams TODOs
  • [x] Review Overrall tasks
  • [x] Add meta-tags to so when were doing linking from social media it will generate a preview card
  • [ ] Bonus: Play with some React Hook ideas


  • Curious about metatags? I think this site is pretty good to drive home what metatags look like and how they are built

    • Found a nice gem that will make it extremely easy to set meta-tag information across my views


    • Went through and added to following base metatags for the website along with uploading new favicon

            = display_meta_tags site: 'Stream Closed Captioner',
                                description: 'Easily add Closed Captioning to any Twitch stream by installing the extension and click "ON" in the dashboard.',
                                keywords: 'Closed Captioning, Twitch, Extension',
                                icon: '/favicon.ico',
                                image_src: "/favicon-96x96.png",
                                twitter: { card: "summary", site: "@talk2megooseman" },
                                og: { type: 'website' }

For the Showcase Page added the following overrides in the controller

            def set_custom_metatags
                @page_title       = "Streamer Showcase"
                @page_description = "Love Stream Closed Captioner? Find streamers that are currently live and using the extension to discover your next favorite streamer!"
            sudo apt dist-upgrade
            sudo apt update
            sudo do-release-upgrade

Shoutouts and Thanks

  • Kilmon007
    • Thanks for the 5 bits

Future action items

  • [ ] Continue work converting React-Twitch-Video-Embed from a class-based component to a function-based one using React Hooks

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