Hello everyone in this series i will talking about how to create a facebook bot + a chatterbot. I wont try to be preachy here. I will just go straight to the point.
According to pypi fbchat is a Facebook Chat (Messenger) library for Python. No need for XMPP or API key to use. Just use your email and password and you are good to go. In other words FBChat is unofficial don't do something fishy with it or your account will be blocked.
ChatterBot is a machine-learning based conversational dialog engine build in
Python which makes it possible to generate responses based on collections of
known conversations. The language independent design of ChatterBot allows it
to be trained to speak any language. Which means you can use Chinese, Shona, Hindu e.t.c
First things first
Create a python environment
virtualenv -p python3 facebookapp
Activate the enviroment
source facebookapp/bin/activate
Now Install libraries
pip install fbchat
pip install chatterbot
Libraries installed we are now good to move to the next part.
Bye Bye
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