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My first impression of Supabase - The better version of Firebase!?


What is Supabase!?

On the website, it says The Open Source Firebase Alternative

The Open Source Alternative to Firebase. | The Open Source Firebase Alternative | Supabase

It has Authentication, Database, storage(coming soon), and function(coming soon) just like Firebase does.

I converted my Firebase project into Supabase one and I am gonna write down my impression of it ✍️


The authentication feature of Supabase is as easy and handy as Firebase.

We can sign up with the third parties too.

  • Google
  • Github
  • Gitlab
  • Azure
  • Facebook
  • Bitbucket

I tried with GitHub and the procedure of setting is the same as Firebase.

We have to create a GitHub app and put App Client Id, secret and call back URL.

GitHub settings

Supabase takes care of the call back URL ✌️

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If you want users to sign up/sign in with a GitHub account, you can simply put the code below.

import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'

const supabase = createClient(process.env.SUPABASE_URL, process.env.SUPABASE_ANON_KEY)

const handleSignUp = async () => {
  const { user, session, error } = await supabase.auth.signIn({
    // provider can be 'github', 'google', 'gitlab', or 'bitbucket'
    provider: 'github',
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Firebase's Authentication feature is very easy to use and so convenient.
What I am impressed with is that Supabase's Authentication feature has the same level as Firebase's.

This is really amazing.


I bet many of you have wished that Firebase has a relational database, not No SQL.

And Supabase comes with PostgreSQL!!
I think this is the biggest difference between Firebase and Supabase.

You can execute complex queries.

Firebase has Database but that's a NO SQL (Firestore) which is not good at fetching data with complex queries.

I have been waiting for the product that is like Firebase with RDB, thus Supabase is my ideal 😻

If you want to save a user's data on a database every time a user signs up, you can create a function and trigger it!

1.Create the public.user table

create table users (
  id uuid references auth.users not null primary key,
  email text
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2.Create the function

create or replace function public.handle_new_user() 
returns trigger as $$
  insert into public.users (id, email)
  values (,;
  return new;
$$ language plpgsql security definer;
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3.Trigger the function

create trigger on_auth_user_created
  after insert on auth.users
  for each row execute procedure public.handle_new_user();
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Comment for #563

Hi all - I just tried with a new project and didn't have any errors here. Here were the steps:

  1. Create a public.users table:
create table users (
  id uuid references auth.users not null primary key,
  email text
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  1. create a trigger:
create or replace function public.handle_new_user() 
returns trigger as $$
  insert into public.users (id, email)
  values (,;
  return new;
$$ language plpgsql security definer;
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  1. Trigger the function on invite:
-- trigger the function every time a user is created
create trigger on_auth_user_created
  after insert on auth.users
  for each row execute procedure public.handle_new_user();
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  1. Invite a user via the UI


  1. See the user with email in the table:


Let me know if I'm missing anything

As a result, auth.users(that Supabase automatically creates and not accessible for the public) and publis.users (that you created with the SQL!) have the user information.





Rules for DB

Firestore has a rule functionality.

I use it to restrict database manipulation.

allow write: if request.auth.uid == userId;
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With Supabase, we can do the same thing with Policies.
You can create politics from a dashboard or with SQL.

create policy "Individuals can update their own data." on users for
    update using (auth.uid() = id);
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Now my users table has one policy.

Make sure the users table is locked (Row Level Security is on).
RLS is on

Wanna use a complicated query?

Of curse, you can.

Because of security risk, you can't use some type of query with Supabase's npm library.
But just same as normal PostgreSQL, you can create a view and use it from the front-end.

Create a view

CREATE VIEW public.events_by_month AS
SELECT to_char(generate_series(event_months.min, event_months.max, '1 month'), 'Mon-YY') AS months
    date_trunc('month', min(start_date)) AS min,
    date_trunc('month', max(start_date)) AS max
  FROM events
) event_months
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Use the view

const response = await supabase
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I used the view feature to execute the query with the join clause and it worked 🤩


Comment for #190

Unfortunately you can't do it that way as it would probably open up the possibility of SQL injection.

But it can be done! You can just create a view on your data, and you can select() that. Something like this:

CREATE VIEW public.events_by_month AS
SELECT to_char(generate_series(event_months.min, event_months.max, '1 month'), 'Mon-YY') AS months
    date_trunc('month', min(start_date)) AS min,
    date_trunc('month', max(start_date)) AS max
  FROM events
) event_months
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then you can query it with supabase-js:

const response = await supabase
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Let me know if that works for your use-case!


When compared to Firebase, Supabase offers the same ease of use as Firebase. This is great.
In addition to that, you can use Relational Database.

In my case, I wanted to create a Tinder-like app and it's easy to imagine that the RDB feature is essential for data fetching. And I just went for Supabase 🚀

It's not hard for Supabase to become a must-have for my app development.

If you are a developer who uses Firebase a lot, and you need a relational database, Supabase will surely help you!

Top comments (1)

awalias profile image

Thanks for writing Taishi! Let us know what features you’d like to see next!