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💡 17 Micro SaaS Ideas You Can Build as A Solo Developer: With Real-world Examples

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In my previous article How to Make Money Coding, I mentioned about building a startup as one of ways to make money as a developer. You might think that it means you need a great product that has a lot of features and need months or even years to build.

Well, you dont need it. All you need is a small product that solve 1 specific problem, and sell it. This kind of startup is called Micro SaaS.

Micro SaaS is a growing trend in the software industry, offering developers a unique opportunity to create niche products with minimal resources. It's becoming an increasingly popular method for developers to generate income while maintaining autonomy and flexibility.

Disclaimer: This article is AI-assisted. The article structure and idea list are 100% manually curated and researched. I proofread all AI-generated texts to ensure information accuracy and to add some contexts

What is Micro SaaS?

Micro SaaS refers to small, focused software-as-a-service products that solve specific problems for a targeted audience. These applications are typically created and managed by individuals or small teams, often bootstrapped without external funding.

What makes Micro SaaS Different?

Micro SaaS stands out from traditional SaaS in several ways:

  • Scale: Micro SaaS targets smaller, niche markets rather than aiming for mass adoption.
  • Team size: Usually run by solo developers or small teams, keeping overhead low.
  • Focus: Solves a specific problem instead of offering a wide range of features.
  • Capital: Often bootstrapped, relying on the founder's resources rather than external investment.
  • Growth: Emphasis on sustainable, organic growth rather than rapid scaling.

Benefits of Micro SaaS

Micro SaaS offers numerous advantages for developers:

  • Low startup costs: Minimal initial investment required.
  • Flexibility: Freedom to work on your own terms and schedule.
  • Passive income potential: Once established, can generate recurring revenue.
  • Reduced risk: Smaller scale means less financial exposure.
  • Direct customer relationships: Closer interaction with users for better product development.
  • Faster iteration: Ability to quickly adapt and improve based on feedback.

By leveraging their technical skills and focusing on specific market needs, developers can create profitable Micro SaaS products. This approach offers a viable path to entrepreneurship and financial independence in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Here's the article with the requested outline and format:

Best Micro SaaS Ideas with Real World Examples

1. AI Humanizer

AI Humanizers are tools that make AI-generated content sound more natural and human-like. These services use advanced language models to rephrase text, adding nuance and personality that's often lacking in raw AI output.

The demand for such tools is growing as more businesses and individuals rely on AI for content creation. There's a significant market potential among content creators, marketers, and businesses looking to maintain a human touch in their AI-assisted communications.


  • MVP + landing page build time estimation: 4-8 weeks
  • Revenue potential: $1,000 - $5,000 a month
  • Business Model: Tiered subscription
  • Real-world example:

2. AI Landing Page

AI Landing Page generators use artificial intelligence to create professional, conversion-optimized landing pages. These tools typically allow users to input basic information and preferences, then automatically generate a full landing page design.

With the increasing need for businesses to establish an online presence quickly, there's a growing demand for easy-to-use landing page creators. This market includes small businesses, startups, and individual entrepreneurs looking for cost-effective web solutions.


  • MVP + landing page build time estimation: 6-10 weeks
  • Revenue potential: $2,000 - $10,000 a month
  • Business Model: Subscription or tiered pricing
  • Real-world example:

3. AI Marketing Consultant and Planner

AI Marketing Consultants and Planners leverage artificial intelligence to provide strategic marketing advice and create comprehensive marketing plans. These tools analyze data, industry trends, and user inputs to generate tailored marketing strategies.

The potential market for such tools is vast, including small to medium-sized businesses, marketing agencies, and solo entrepreneurs who need expert marketing guidance but can't afford traditional consultancy fees.


  • MVP + landing page build time estimation: 8-12 weeks
  • Revenue potential: $3,000 - $15,000 a month
  • Business Model: Tiered subscription or pay-per-plan
  • Real-world example:

4. AI Resume + Cover Letter Builder

AI Resume and Cover Letter Builders use artificial intelligence to create professional, tailored job application documents. These tools typically ask users about their skills, experience, and target job, then generate optimized resumes and cover letters.

With the competitive job market and increasing use of applicant tracking systems, there's high demand for tools that can create ATS-friendly, professional application documents. The potential market includes job seekers across all industries and experience levels.


  • MVP + landing page build time estimation: 6-10 weeks
  • Revenue potential: $2,000 - $8,000 a month
  • Business Model: Freemium or subscription
  • Real-world examples:,

5. AI Social Media Manager + Scheduler

AI Social Media Managers and Schedulers use artificial intelligence to generate content, suggest optimal posting times, and automate social media management tasks. These tools often include features for content creation, scheduling, and performance analytics.

As businesses increasingly rely on social media for marketing, there's growing demand for tools that can streamline and optimize social media management. The market includes businesses of all sizes, social media managers, and individual content creators.


  • MVP + landing page build time estimation: 8-12 weeks
  • Revenue potential: $3,000 - $20,000 a month
  • Business Model: Tiered subscription
  • Real-world examples:,

6. AI Plugins in Popular Software

AI plugins for popular software integrate artificial intelligence capabilities into existing platforms, enhancing their functionality. These plugins can add features like automated data analysis, content generation, or task automation to widely-used software.

There's significant demand for AI-powered enhancements across various software categories. The potential market includes users of popular productivity, design, and business software looking to streamline their workflows and gain AI-powered insights.


  • MVP + landing page build time estimation: 4-8 weeks (varies by platform)
  • Revenue potential: $1,000 - $10,000 a month
  • Business Model: One-time payment or subscription
  • Real-world example:

7. Collect Data to WhatsApp

Data collection tools for WhatsApp enable businesses to gather information from customers directly through the popular messaging app. These services typically provide customizable forms or chatbots that can be used within WhatsApp conversations.

With WhatsApp's widespread use for business communication, there's growing demand for tools that can streamline data collection on this platform. The potential market includes businesses of all sizes that use WhatsApp for customer interaction, particularly in regions where WhatsApp is a primary communication channel.


  • MVP + landing page build time estimation: 6-10 weeks
  • Revenue potential: $2,000 - $8,000 a month
  • Business Model: Tiered subscription based on usage
  • Real-world example:

8. Customer Feedback Collector

Customer feedback collectors are tools designed to gather, organize, and analyze customer opinions and suggestions. These platforms often include features for creating surveys, managing feature requests, and prioritizing feedback.

With the increasing focus on customer-centric product development, there's high demand for efficient feedback collection tools. The potential market includes software companies, product managers, and businesses across various industries looking to improve their offerings based on customer input.


  • MVP + landing page build time estimation: 6-10 weeks
  • Revenue potential: $2,000 - $12,000 a month
  • Business Model: Tiered subscription
  • Real-world example:

9. Document Summarizer

Document summarizers use AI to condense long documents into concise, easy-to-digest summaries. These tools typically work with various document formats and can generate summaries of different lengths based on user preferences.

With the increasing volume of digital content, there's growing demand for tools that can quickly extract key information from lengthy documents. The potential market includes students, researchers, business professionals, and anyone who needs to process large amounts of written information efficiently.


  • MVP + landing page build time estimation: 4-8 weeks
  • Revenue potential: $1,500 - $7,000 a month
  • Business Model: Freemium or tiered subscription
  • Real-world example:

10. Subscription Manager

Subscription managers help users track and manage their various digital subscriptions. These tools typically provide features like renewal reminders, spending insights, and cancellation assistance.

As the number of subscription-based services grows, there's increasing demand for tools to help consumers manage their subscriptions effectively. The potential market includes anyone with multiple digital subscriptions, from individuals to small businesses.


  • MVP + landing page build time estimation: 6-10 weeks
  • Revenue potential: $2,000 - $10,000 a month
  • Business Model: Freemium or subscription
  • Real-world example:

11. Habit Tracker

Habit trackers are tools designed to help users form and maintain positive habits. These applications include features for setting goals, tracking progress, and providing motivation through reminders and visual representations of progress.

With increasing focus on personal development and productivity, there's steady demand for effective habit tracking tools. The potential market includes individuals seeking personal growth, professionals aiming to improve productivity, and anyone looking to build or break habits.


  • MVP + landing page build time estimation: 4-8 weeks
  • Revenue potential: $1,000 - $5,000 a month
  • Business Model: Freemium or subscription
  • Real-world examples:, habbit mate app

12. Invoice Builder & Automation

Invoice builders and automation tools streamline the process of creating, sending, and managing invoices. These services typically offer features like customizable templates, recurring invoices, and payment tracking.

There's consistent demand for efficient invoicing solutions, especially among freelancers, small businesses, and service-based companies. The potential market includes anyone who regularly bills clients or customers and wants to simplify their invoicing process.


  • MVP + landing page build time estimation: 6-10 weeks
  • Revenue potential: $2,000 - $10,000 a month
  • Business Model: Tiered subscription based on usage
  • Real-world example:

13. Lead Finder in Social Media

Lead finders for social media use AI and data analysis to identify potential customers or business opportunities on social platforms. These tools typically search for users based on specific criteria and provide contact information or engagement suggestions.

With businesses increasingly using social media for lead generation, there's growing demand for tools that can streamline this process. The potential market includes sales professionals, marketers, and businesses looking to expand their customer base through social media.


  • MVP + landing page build time estimation: 8-12 weeks
  • Revenue potential: $3,000 - $15,000 a month
  • Business Model: Tiered subscription based on search volume
  • Real-world example:

14. Multi-purpose Chatbot Plugin

Multi-purpose chatbot plugins are versatile AI-powered tools that can be integrated into various platforms to handle customer queries, automate tasks, or provide information. These chatbots are typically customizable to suit different business needs.

As businesses seek to improve customer service and automate repetitive tasks, there's increasing demand for flexible chatbot solutions. The potential market includes businesses of all sizes across various industries looking to enhance their online customer interaction.


  • MVP + landing page build time estimation: 8-12 weeks
  • Revenue potential: $3,000 - $20,000 a month
  • Business Model: Tiered subscription based on features and usage
  • Real-world example:

15. Social Media Content / Reply Generator

Social media content and reply generators use AI to create engaging posts and responses for various social platforms. These tools typically offer features like content ideation, post scheduling, and automated replies to common queries.

With the constant need for fresh content on social media, there's high demand for tools that can assist in content creation and engagement. The potential market includes social media managers, small businesses, influencers, and anyone managing active social media accounts.


  • MVP + landing page build time estimation: 6-10 weeks
  • Revenue potential: $2,000 - $12,000 a month
  • Business Model: Tiered subscription
  • Real-world example:

16. Photo Generator

AI photo generators create unique images based on text descriptions or other inputs. These tools use advanced machine learning models to produce realistic or stylized images for various purposes.

There's growing demand for AI-generated images in fields like design, marketing, and personal use. The potential market includes graphic designers, marketers, content creators, and individuals looking for custom images without the need for complex design skills.


  • MVP + landing page build time estimation: 8-12 weeks
  • Revenue potential: $3,000 - $20,000 a month
  • Business Model: Pay-per-use or subscription
  • Real-world examples:,

17. YouTube Video Summarizer

YouTube video summarizers use AI to create concise text summaries of video content. These tools typically extract key points, transcribe important dialogue, and provide a quick overview of the video's content.

With the vast amount of video content available, there's increasing demand for tools that can quickly extract essential information from videos. The potential market includes students, researchers, professionals, and anyone looking to efficiently consume video content without watching entire videos.


  • MVP + landing page build time estimation: 6-10 weeks
  • Revenue potential: $2,000 - $10,000 a month
  • Business Model: Freemium or subscription
  • Real-world example:

Here's a description for each heading in a conversational style:

Tips When Building Micro SaaS

Create a Unique Selling Point

Your idea doesn't have to be the first of its kind, but you do need to offer something special. Think about what makes your product stand out from the crowd. Maybe it's a feature no one else has, or perhaps you're targeting a niche that others have overlooked.

Whatever it is, make sure you can articulate why someone should choose your product over the alternatives. This unique selling point will be your secret sauce in the competitive SaaS market.

Scratch Your Own Itch

You know what they say - the best products often come from solving your own problems. If you're frustrated with something in your daily life or work, chances are others are too. Use your personal experience as a developer to identify pain points that you can address.

When you're scratching your own itch, you're not just building a product; you're creating a solution you're passionate about. This passion will drive you through the tough times and help you understand your users better because, well, you are one!

Leverage Your Community

Here's a golden nugget of advice: don't go it alone. As a developer, you're likely part of various tech communities, whether it's on GitHub, Stack Overflow, or local meetups. Use these connections! Share your ideas, get feedback, and even find potential early adopters.

Your community can be an incredible source of support, inspiration, and even your first customers. Plus, engaging with your community helps you stay on top of trends and needs in the developer world. Remember, in the world of Micro SaaS, your network can be your net worth.


Building a Micro SaaS is an effective way for developers to generate income with minimal resources, with a potential to grow it to become a big startup if its succesful.

By focusing on solving a specific problem for a niche audience, you can create a valuable product with lower risk and investment. The key is to identify a unique selling point, leverage your skills, and stay adaptable.

Success in Micro SaaS comes from continuous improvement and strong user engagement. By refining your product based on feedback and staying connected with your community, you'll be well-positioned to succeed in this growing market.

What do you think? Have you tried building a Micro SaaS?

If you happen to have your own Micro SaaS, don't hesitate to share in the comment below. Feel free to promote :D
Give it a like if you find this article helpful.

Thank you!

Top comments (4)

king_triton profile image
King Triton

I liked the second version of "AI Landing Page" I think you can make a site where the user enters information about himself, you just need to make a form with several fields, for example:

  1. What is your name?
  2. What do you do?
  3. What are your advantages?
  4. Target audience, etc.

The user fills out the form, then you can generate a web page on the OpenAI API to get the source code of the landing page, you can finish here, but I'm not sure that everyone knows what to do with this code. And here you can configure the server so that the index.html file is created and placed, for example, in the user's directory, and the user himself is shown a link to his page.

Of course, you can also do domain binding, page editing, etc., in general, you can make a website builder based on AI - but this, it seems to me, is already the development of the project

gaurav_s_ca544dfe75091445 profile image
Gaurav S

Thank you for Sharing !

lakincoder profile image
Lakin Mohapatra

Nice ideas. Thanks for sharing

syakirurahman profile image

You're welcome. Happy to help