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Cover image for SNAKE LADDER (cpp)
suryansh taragi
suryansh taragi

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Description of the Snake and Ladder Game Code:

Function rollDice():

Generates a random number between 1 and 6, simulating a six-sided dice roll.
Returns the rolled dice value.

Function playGame():

Implements the Snake and Ladder game logic.
Initializes player positions (player1 and player2) to 0 and currentPlayer to 1 (for player 1).
Loops until one of the players reaches or exceeds position 100.
Asks players to press Enter to roll the dice and updates their positions accordingly.
Checks for snakes and ladders at specific positions, adjusting the player's position accordingly.
Switches to the next player after each turn.
Displays the current positions of both players after each turn.
Determines the winner based on who reaches or exceeds position 100 first.

Main Function:

Seeds the random number generator with the current time.
Calls playGame() to start and execute the Snake and Ladder game.


Utilizes the rand() function and srand(time(0)) to introduce randomness to dice rolls.

Game Features:

Incorporates snakes and ladders with specific positions affecting player movement.
Provides messages indicating snake bites or ladder discoveries during the game.


Displays information such as the rolled dice value, player positions, and game progress.

Winner Determination:

Declares the winner based on the player who reaches or exceeds position 100 first.


The code offers a simplified representation of the Snake and Ladder game without a graphical interface.
It serves as a text-based illustration of player movement, snake bites, and ladder discoveries.
This code provides a basic implementation of the classic Snake and Ladder game, showcasing player movements and the influence of snakes and ladders on the gameplay.

code link-click here

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