Class Definition (Bank):
Private members include total for customer count and id for search/update.
person array stores customer data (name, ID, address, contact, cash).
Public methods handle various banking operations.
Public Methods:
choice(): Displays a menu for user selection.
perData(): Creates a new customer account.
show(): Displays all customer details.
update(): Allows updating customer information.
search(): Searches and displays customer details.
transactions(): Handles deposit/withdrawal transactions.
del(): Removes a specific customer or clears the entire database
main() Function:
Creates a Bank instance and initiates banking operations using the choice() method.
Banking Operations:
Create New Account:
Takes user input for new customer details.
View Customers List:
Displays details of all customer accounts.
Update Information:
Allows the user to update existing customer data.
Check Details:
Searches for a customer by ID and displays their details.
Handles deposit and withdrawal transactions for existing customers.
Remove Existing Account:
Allows removal of a specific customer record or clears the entire database.
User Interface:
Simple text-based menu for user interaction.
Usage of conio.h and windows.h:
Utilizes conio.h for console I/O functions (getch()) and windows.h for screen clearing and delays (Sleep()).
Looping Structure:
The program runs in an infinite loop until the user chooses to exit.
Basic validation ensures proper handling of user inputs.
Structure and Organization:
Code is modular with methods, enhancing readability and organization.
Considerations for Improvement:
Suggestions include avoiding deprecated headers and enhancing error handling for a more robust system.
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