DEV Community

Sumeet Bansal
Sumeet Bansal

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Getting started with reddit.

Reddit is a popular social news website that has been gaining more and more viewers over the years. With such a diverse range of topics covered on its pages, there is bound to be something for everyone. In this blog, we'll go over what you need to know about reddit and how it can help you.

How to use reddit?

If you're new to reddit, the front page can be overwhelming. There are thousands of subreddits (sections of reddit), and each one is full of posts. How do you find the good stuff?

What are subreddits?

A subreddit is a specific online community, with its own set of rules and regulations, that is dedicated to a particular topic. For example, the reddit community r/AskReddit is a subreddit dedicated to asking and answering questions.

Subreddits are created and moderated by volunteers who are passionate about their topic. Anyone can create a subreddit, and anyone can subscribe to any number of subreddits. When you subscribe to a subreddit, the content from that subreddit will appear in your feed.

Finding subreddits

  1. Check out the default subreddits. Default subreddits are chosen by the reddit team and they cover a range of topics. They're a great starting point for finding new content.

  2. Use the search function. On the top-right of the screen, you'll see a search bar. You can use this to find specific subreddits or topics that you're interested in.

  3. Browse by topic. If you click on the "Browse" link at the top of the screen, you'll see a list of popular categories. This is a great way to explore different areas of reddit.

  4. If you're new to reddit, or if you're just looking to find some new communities to join, browsing through the most popular subreddits is a great way to get started.

Why should you use Reddit for help with programming?

If you're a programmer who likes to learn new stuff or is an experienced one, you should definitely check out Reddit. Why? Because Reddit is full of people who are passionate about sharing knowledge related to programming.

You can find virtually anything on Reddit, from useful tips and tricks to in-depth discussions about your programming language. And since Reddit is organized into communities (or "subreddits"), it's easy to find the information you're looking for.

Not only that, but Reddit is also a great place to get feedback on your work. If you have built projects and want to improve them based on community reviews reddit is the best place as people will get to know about your project and will provide suggestions to improve it.

What are some tips for using reddit more effectively?

  1. First, take some time to explore the different subreddits and find ones that fit your interests. There's a subreddit for just about everything, so you're bound to find some that you enjoy.

  2. Once you've found some good subreddits, make sure to upvote the content that you like and downvote the content that you don't. This helps ensure that the best content rises to the top.

  3. Feel free to add your own comments and contribute to the discussions taking place. Reddit is a great community and its users are always happy to help out newcomers.

  4. Finally, if you really want to get involved in the reddit community, consider creating your own subreddit. This is a great way to bring people together who share your interests.

Dark side of reddit

Like every other social media reddit is also prone to toxicity. You might get downvoted for no reason. You might get abused for going against popular opinion. You might also get banned for subreddits for breaking rules that you were never aware of. You will also have to aware of scammers and other stuffs that are common across all the other social media sites.

Some of my favourite programming subbreddits

  • r/programming
  • r/LearnProgramming
  • r/cscareerquestions
  • r/AskProgramming
  • r/BadCode
  • r/ProgrammerHumor
  • r/CodingHelp

Do let me know of your favourite subreddits!!

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