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Sanjeevi Subramani
Sanjeevi Subramani

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Power BI Report on Bot Analytics for Chatbot in Bot Framework Composer

Tutorial: View analytics with Power BI



The BOT framework Composer sample provides a Power BI template that can be used to understand how your bot is performing.

Overall usage

Overall usage

Personalize your experience for your brand and customers.

All dialogs overview

All dialogs overview

All dialogs' popularity and status based off of SDK telemetry

Dialog overview

Dialog overview

Review a specific dialog's popularity and status

LUIS intents

LUIS intents

A count of LUIS intents per day

All conversation metrics

All conversation metrics

Highlights the average number of conversations per unique user and the average duration by day

Conversations drill down

Conversations drill down

Per conversation, this highlights the dialogs triggered and common utterances



Review interactions, sessions, and the transcript between a bot and its users



See where users are connecting to your bot

Word cloud

Word Cloud

Commonly user queries

Sentiment analysis

Sentiment analysis

Average user sentiment results provided by LUIS

QnA Maker insights

QnA Maker insights

Insights on matched user queries with QnA Maker

User feedback

User feedback

Insights on user submitted feedback


Time To Complete

10 minutes


A Power BI dashboard showing Application Insights telemetry captured from a Bot Composer BOT.

Tutorial: View analytics with Power BI

Get your Application Insights Application ID

  1. Log in to the Azure Portal.

  2. Navigate to the Application Insights resource created.

  3. In the sidebar, navigate to Configure > API Access on the sidebar. Screenshot highlighting the API Access tab in an Application Insights resource

  4. Copy the Application ID for the next step. Screenshot highlighting the Application ID of an Application Insights resource

Tutorial: View analytics with Power BI

Open the Power BI template

  1. Open the Bot Composer analytics template and paste your Application Insights Application ID. Screenshot of the load template view of a new Composer Bot analytics Power BI template

  2. After loading the tables with your populated data, you should now see insights from your Virtual Assistant.

Note: You may run into authentication issues when opening the template, particularly if you have opened the template previously using another Application ID. If so, perform the following steps to re-authenticate the template with your Application Insights service:

  1. Open the Template
  2. File > Options and Settings > Data Source Settings
  3. Click "Global permissions"
  4. Click on anything resembling "" and Clear Permissions > Clear Permissions > Delete
  5. Close and Re-open the Template
  6. Paste your Application Insights AppId
  7. Click Load
  8. Important: Select Organizational Account > Sign In > Connect

Additional Telemetry

By default, a Bot composer Bot based project collects personally identifiable information (e.g. Conversation drill-down and transcripts) which will lead to the respective sections in the PowerBI dashboard to function as expected. If you wish to not collect this information make the changes to appsettings.json by following this article:

Raised a PR to Bot Framework Composer:

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