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Histogram In R

A histogram represents the frequencies of values of a variable bucketed into ranges.
->Histogram is similar to bar chat but the main difference in this is ,it groups the values into continuous ranges.
->Each bar in histogram represents the height of the number of values present in that range.
->R creates histogram using hist() function. This function takes a vector as an input and uses some more parameters to plot histograms.



v <- c(9,13,21,8,36,22,12,41,31,33,19)
h <- hist(v,xlab = "Weight",col = "pink",border = "blue")
> h
[1] 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 
[1] 2 2 1 2 0 2 1 1 
[1] 0.03636364 0.03636364 0.01818182 0.03636364 
0.00000000 0.03636364 0.01818182 
[8] 0.01818182 
[1] 7.5 12.5 17.5 22.5 27.5 32.5 37.5 42.5 
[1] "v" 
[1] TRUE 
[1] "histogram"
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->To give a specific value of some range in X axis and Y axis, we can use "xlim" and "ylim" parameters.
By using this we can get the width of each bar using breaks.

Below is the example code:

v <- c(9,13,31,8,31,22,12,31,35)
hist(v,xlab = "Weight",col = "light green",
border = "red", xlim = c(0,40), ylim = c(0,5),breaks = 5)
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Coming next, I have used the function text() which helps to add text to plot and return values to place the count above each cell.


h<-hist(mtcars$mpg, breaks=12, col="skyblue4") 
text(h$mids,h$counts,labels = h$counts,adj=c(0.5,-0.5))
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Generally, a break parameter tells the number of cells required in
the histogram plot.


x<- c(5,3,5,7,3,6,5)
hist(x,breaks = 4,col="violetred3", ,main="breaks=4" ) 
hist(x,breaks = 10,col="slateblue3",main="breaks=10" )
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