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Kaushik Thirthappa for

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Simple git aliases for daily purpose

On average, every developer commits their code atleast once a day.

Having some git aliases help you quickly make changes and push your code.

No more typos

One of my daily frustrations in the past 🀬 -

Alt Text

Avoid common pitfalls are super important, it helps increase productivity in the long term.

Table of contents

ps: These are aliases I have been using personally, feel free to create and share your own ☺️

1. git status πŸ‘‰ gs

Before -

git status

After -


Setup code -

alias gs='git status'

2. git commit πŸ‘‰ gc

Before -

git commit -m 'Adding integration test cases'

After -

gc 'Adding integration test cases'

Setup code -

alias gc='git commit -m $2'

3. git push πŸ‘‰ gp

Before -

git push

After -


Setup code -

alias gp='git push'

4. git add . && git commit -m πŸ‘‰ gac

Before -

git add .
git commit -m 'Adding integration test cases'

After -

gac 'Adding integration test cases'

Setup code -

alias gac='git add . && git commit -m $2'

5. git add . && git commit -m && git push πŸ‘‰ gacp

Before -

git add .
git commit -m 'Adding integration test cases'
git push

After -

gacp 'Adding integration test cases'

Setup code -

alias gacp='git add . && git commit -m $2 && git push'

6. git stash πŸ‘‰ gst

Before -

git stash

After -


Setup code -

alias gst='git stash'

6. git stash apply πŸ‘‰ gsta

Before -

git stash apply

After -


Setup code -

alias gsta='git stash apply'

6. git push --set-upstream origin πŸ‘‰ gpst

This syntax is the one I forget the most πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Before -

git push --set-upstream origin integration-tests

After -

gpst integration-tests

Setup code -

alias gpst='git push --set-upstream origin $1'

6. git checkout πŸ‘‰ gco

Before -

git checkout staging

After -

gco staging

Setup code -

alias gco='git checkout $1'

These are the aliases that I use everyday for the past few years. No typos, no errors and super handy.

Top comments (1)

dmahely profile image
Doaa Mahely

I’ve been wanting to setup aliases for my git workflow forever. The alias I want the most is for fetching a remote branch and checking out to it.